CM ensures peace along borders

JAMMU, Mar : Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today ensured peace along the borders in the coming days.
Replying to a question in the Legislative Council here this morning to a question asked by MLC Yashpal Sharma, the Chief Minister said, “To restore peace along border, Pakistan should also be engaged.”
He said border firing took place from Kargil to Kathua but when PDP government took over in Jammu and Kashmir, there was total peace in the bordering belts.
“During our government, we got the borders fenced and restricted the unwanted movement,” he said, adding that bordering people were not allowed to cultivate land close to fence in Balakote sector following which, the government raised objection.
“When we took over in Jammu and Kashmir, Gen Pervez Musharraf was the Pakistan President in 2002 and we engaged our neighbour for creating peaceful atmosphere,” said Mr Sayeed. “It is my desire to see farmers in the bordering belts to work as usual in their fields without any fear,” he said and ensured the House that his government will definitely create peaceful atmosphere on the borders.
The MLA had sought details of people killed and injured in border areas due to firing, measures taken to rehabilitate affected families and future planning to safeguard the people living in these belts.
The Chief Minister further replied, “since January 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015, 10 civilians had died and 89 got injured in cross border firing in different border belts of Jammu, Kathua and Poonch.
“The government has also provided temporary shelters to the displaced and people affected due to firing,” he said and added that all kind of basic facilities were also made available to them.
Mr Sayeed further said with a view to provide security to the border population at the time of firing from across the border, a revised proposal of construction of community type bunkers in identified border villages has been submitted to the Government of India for approval.
“The state government has also submitted a proposal to the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs for bringing uniformity in the payment of compensation for death as well as permanent disability due to firing on International Border (IB) and LOC in respect of persons other than government employees,” said the Chief Minister.