CM nails opposition

In a straight rebuttal of the criticism of opposition, Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti, while moving the maiden motion of thanks to the Governor’s address in the Legislative Assembly, dealt with some of the vital issues before her Government and also vital decisions it has taken. She loaded her speech with references to notable historical events right from the time of accession of the State to the Indian Union down to present day hinting at many ups and down through which the State had passed.  On most of the points she focused, she silenced the opposition by a profusion of arguments and rationale in support of the action of her Government. How could anybody accuse her Government of trying to dilute Article 370 of the Indian Constitution when it very much existed in the Agreement of Alliance with the BJP? She called it no small an achievement, indeed. Reflecting on PDP forming coalition with BJP, she made an emphatic statement that it was no wisdom to ignore the mandate of the Jammu region. Had PDP ignored it as did the NC ignore the mandate of MUF in 1987, the consequences would have been disastrous. The fundamental point in accepting coalition with BJP was to respect in democratic way the mandate of the people of Jammu.
Reflecting on the role of the opposition, the CM said that the opposition must bear with the Government in vital subjects of security, safety, development and confidence building efforts. These matters are all above party politics and above personal likes and dislikes. She said that the success of her Government lies in bringing all the three regions of the State closer for the development of the State. About talks with Pakistan, she said that the victims of acrimony between India and Pakistan were the people on the border of Jammu and Kashmir State. For restoration of peace in the region, it is important that India and Pakistan develop cordial relations. She said that former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee had taken a bold and courageous step. She praised Modi for taking similar act and visiting Lahore in search of peace. The confidence building measures have to be strengthened and she hoped that a day would come when reason would prevail and the State would be pulled out of the crisis into which it has been dragged by destiny.
Touching on the subject of return of Pandit displaced persons back in Kashmir, she was very pragmatic in saying though the Government and the people in the Valley were all willing that the Pandits should return to their original places, but the ground situation did not permit it right now. That was the reason why the Government believed that transit camps need to be established where they can move in the first instance and then when things calm down and situation improves they can move to their original places. She said that when Government employees were put in hotels and placed under protection of the police and bodyguards, how ridiculous it was to think that the Pandits are safe in their original places. She made a fervent hope that she wants to see the Pandits back in Kashmir during her life time and this was what she cherished.
Rebutting the criticism of her opponents, the CM said that it was NC Government that had handed over some power generating projects to the Union Ministry of Power. What the present Government was doing was trying to find ways how these could be brought back. She said that it was a matter of great satisfaction that the Centre had sanctioned two AIIMS, 2 Cancer Research Centres, five new colleges and 2 Smart Cities for J&K. These were big achievements contributing to the development of the State.
Finally, she dealt with the policy of her Government to safeguard the women and their rights as important component of a democratic system. Separate buses had been deployed for women and women police stations would be opened. The women have to be liberated from the harassment caused to those who work in offices. She also hinted at Government’s efforts to strengthen and promote women entrepreneurship. In short, the CM made a brilliant performance to the satisfaction of the treasury as well as the opposition benches. This is a real statesmanship type of speech. It will have great and wide impact on entire civil society.