Coach of Shalimar Express ‘gutted’ in accidental fire in Jammu

JAMMU :A coach of Shalimar Express today got completely gutted while two were partially damaged in an accidental fire that broke out inside the train while it was halted at Jammu Tawi Railway Station here.
“The train (Shalimar Express) was halted at Washing Yard when a mysterious fire suddenly broke out this evening inside the train,” a police official here said.
He said one of the boggies of the train was completely gutted in the fire while two others were partially damaged.
“Fire tenders and fire fighters were immediately pressed into service and after hard efforts, the flames were doused,”, he added and said no incident of any injury or damage to any other property was reported in the fire.
An official said short circuit cannot be ruled out be the reason behind the fire. (AGENCIES)