Coalition brought Transfer of Property Bill under separatists pressure: MLA

Pawan Gupta, MLA Udhampur talking to reporters at Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Pawan Gupta, MLA Udhampur talking to reporters at Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 7: Stating that the Transfer of Property Bill will harm the interests of people of Jammu region, former Minister and MLA Udhampur Pawan Gupta today demanded immediate withdrawal of the Bill which was recently referred to Select Committee in the State Assembly.
Talking to reporters here, today Gupta said by approving the Bill the BJP has betrayed the peoples’ mandate as the Bill is totally inimical to the interests of people of Jammu region as it will debar outsiders to establish industry in the State and boost its economy and create employment avenues.
Gupta said when former Chief Ministers Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, G M Sadiq, Syed Mir Qasim and Dr Farooq Abdullah did not bring such an act in last over 60 years, what compelled the present Coalition to bring the Bill. The only reason before the present Coalition in tabling this controversial Bill is that it was done under the pressure of separatists.
Gupta said the decision of PDP –BJP Coalition to table the Bill in the State Assembly is a sufficient proof that party has betrayed the mandate given to it in the last Assembly poll.
He said to send the Bill to Select Committee is not enough as it has simply postponed the passing of a very regressive backward looking and disruptive legislation temporarily.
He said that referring the Bill to the Select Committee has ensured that a democratic sword continues to hang on the neck of the nationalist constituencies of Jammu and Kashmir as also on the free enterprise to promote trade and business of the people of the State.
Mr Gupta who made a scathing attack on BJP for ignoring the Late Dr Shamaparasad Mookherjee whose fortnight long birth anniversary is being celebrated all over the country, said the Party by brining the Bill has made first attack on the ideology of Mookherjee who was for total integration of J&K with India.
Gupta who accused the BJP for surrendering Jammu cause said the Party which was demanding delimitation of the Assembly segments in the State has not talked about the same in the Governor’s address.
Claiming that he was the lone Opposition MLA to oppose the Bill and scuttle its passage for time being, he said the BJP MLAs also opposed it but they were under pressure and could not speak any thing except a few.
This Bill snatches the Right to Property Act as one has no right to sell his property as per his wishes and this is an encroachment on ones fundamental rights too, he added.
“This Bill is also technically wrong’’, Gupta said, adding lease right is only a right to enjoy the right to use of land and the Bill has brought it under the sale.
He said non State subject can also take the advantage of lease but this Bill has put an end to it as well as exchange of property Act and occupancy right.
He said the Bill will harm the interests of West Pak refugees and industry will become idle in the State. The economy of the State will suffer as when there will be no industralization, how economy can prosper as the lease rights will get ceased.
He said the Bill will pose a great challenge to the people who are in the State for last 70 years doing some sort of business. This Bill will further strengthen separatists and their movement in the State, he said adding it is intriguing that BJP choose to be party in framing and approving the Bill on June 23 the day when nation was paying tributes to the martyrdom of Shyamaprasad Mookherjee.
Gupta who was very critical of the Bill said it targets business and trade interests of the people of Jammu province as this has been the main hub of industrial activity in the State.