Coalition members clash in LC over PHE scam; House adjourned

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Apr 1: In a most surprising situation in the Upper House today, the Chairman was forced to adjourn the House amidst open clash between the ruling coalition (NC-Congress) members on the ‘floor’ over the issue of House Committee pertaining to PHE scam worth hundreds of crores of rupees in last over 20 years in the State.
The trouble started when  Chairman, Amrit Malhotra rejected the demand of National Conference members including Devinder Singh Rana, Khalid Najeeb Suhrawardy, Javed Rana, Dr Bashir Ahmed Veeri, Dr Shehnaz Ganai and others during a discussion on the working of Rural Development Ministry in the House. The Chairman had reserved his decision on March 26 to give his ruling on the demand projected by some NC members regarding announcing a House Committee to probe the scandals pertaining to procurement of PHE pipes, CCDU and other purchases besides entire scanning of the department’s working since 1992.
PHE, I&FC Minister Sham Lal Sharma had raised serious allegations in the Upper House on March 26 regarding excessive purchases of PHE pipes made without requirement, mal-functioning in the department, irregularities and misuse of funds under CCDU Scheme, raising question mark on the past practices existing in the entire department.
Upon this, the NC members stood up and demanded House Committee on the issue. However, amidst heated exchanges between NC and Congress, the Chairman declared to announce decision on April 1.
Mr  Malhotra  announced that the House Committee to look into the irregularities in the PHE, I&FC as demanded by some members will only be constituted if the House is not satisfied by the findings of the two committees already constituted for the purpose by the concerned Minister.  Mr Malhotra said that the Minister for PHE and FC has already informed the  House that two committees, one to look into the wrongs committed in the procurement of pipes and the other to look into functioning of CCDU have been constituted and both the committees will submit reports within a month.
He said that the constitution of House Committee at this stage will only delay the enquiry by these committees and create confusion. However, the Chairman said that the House for the time being has reserved its right to constitute a House Committee to allow the departmental committees to proceed ahead and report within the time assured by the Minister for  PHE Sham Lal Sharma. He said if the House does not agree with the findings of these committees or if these committees do not submit reports within stipulated time, a House Committee can b constituted by the Chairman at any time.
Immediately after the Chairman announced his decision, the NC members stood up and said that it was not fair. Mr Rana said that it was the issue pertaining to the scandal worth over Rs 20,000 crore in the PHE Department in last 20 years. He said ‘chair’ was trying to protect those, who indulged in the theft of  public money worth thousands of crores.  He said chair was the custodian of the rights of all the members  and this way the members were not getting justice from the chair. He pleaded that chairman after listening to his conscious should review his decision and it will be in the larger interest of the people of this State and the House  as well to announce a House Committee which will probe all the irregularities, scandals, mis-use of funds etc from 1992 onwards in the PHE, I&FC Department. Let the truth come out.
He said if the House will not be allowed to probe, he was free to move to the Accountability Commission as well. But House is the supreme  and  voice of the House should be listened and taken seriously. After all it was a very important issue pertaining to scandal worth thousands of cores of rupees.
While loud arguments between Mr Rana and Chairman went on for some time, but it was then between the NC and the Congress members including Ravinder Sharma, Naresh Gupta, Subash Gupta, Ghulam Nabi Monga and others. Congress members strongly opposed formation of House Committee.
Ravinder Sharma from Congress said that one member cannot dictate terms to the Chairman on behalf of entire House. There was no unanimous decision and all the members of this House have not raised this demand. All the members of the House deserve equal right. He said when Chairman has given his ruling, NC members have no right to speak and raise fingers on the Chair. He said the minister has also assured the House that two committees are already working and reports of both will come within one month. One report may come out within 4-5 days. Therefore, the demand of House Committee is unjustified. Ghulam Nabi Monga also tried to snub Mr Rana and other members and there was direct verbal clash between  them. Minister for  PHE & FC Sham Lal Sharma and Minister for RDD Ali Mohd Sagar kept silent and watched this high-pitch drama.
Naresh Gupta from Congress also opposed the demand and said Mr Rana has raised some derogatory remarks against the Chair and those should be expunged.  He also said that members should have respect for the Chair and decency in behavior. This irked the NC members and they again locked horns. Congress member G N Monga also indulged in verbal clash and heated exchanges between NC-Congress continued for over 27 minutes. Mr Rana said why some Congress members are against corruption and want to protect thieves.  What was problem in discussing this issue in the House.  It was total chaos and pandemonium in the House. Chairman repeatedly failed to bring house in order and restore peace. The members were not ready to sit despite his directions. He asked Mr Rana to sit calmly otherwise, you will suffer. He also shouted that he can also speak even more and it will create problem for some of the members. Many remarks were not audible in the din.  The chairman then adjourned the House for ten minutes.
The House resumed its business at around 2.17 pm but again Devinder Rana, Javed Rana and others  stood up pressing for announcing House Committee. Javed Rana said let the committee be announced immediately after the report comes after one month. The Chairman should make commitment. Mr Malhotra however, said that the members should move a fresh resolution on the issue and he will look into it. He however, remained non-committal on the issue. The discussion was then resumed on the working of RDD.