NEW DELHI: Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan Friday said the code of conduct for medical practitioners prohibits doctors from taking gifts, travel facilities, hospitality or cash from pharmaceutical and allied health sector industry.
Vardhan also said in Lok Sabha that the government has received some complaints of unethical marketing practices by pharmaceutical companies and the CEOs of such companies will be held responsible for such malpractices.
The minister said the code of conduct for doctors in their relationship with pharmaceutical and allied sector industry of the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct,
Etiquette and Ethics) Regulation, 2002 prohibits doctors from taking gifts, travel facilities, hospitality and cash or monetary grants from pharmaceutical and allied health sector
The said regulation empowers the Medical Council of India and respective State Medical Councils to award punishment to a doctor against any act in violation of code of Ethics for
doctors, he said during Question Hour.
Vardhan said such complaints are referred by MCI to the State Medical Councils concerned where doctors and medical practitioners are registered. The MCI is an Appellate
The minister said the Department of Pharmaceuticals has received some complaints of unethical marketing practices by pharmaceutical companies.
Vardhan said as informed by Department of Pharmaceuticals, the complaints received are forwarded to Pharma Associations concerned for necessary action as per
provisions of Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP), as prepared by Department of Pharmaceuticals.
The Managing Director or CEO of the pharma company is ultimately responsible for ensuring adherence to the code, he said. (AGENCIES)