College on Wheels: A captivating experience for students, mentors

College on Wheels: A captivating experience for students, mentors

Dr Shubhra Jamwal

It was a captivating experience indeed! Train was literally converted into moving college, bogies served as classrooms and berths as traditional benches for the students as well as their mentors. Instead of digital boards to take lessons from the teachers, students got the opportunity to personally explore the world outside by rubbing shoulders with the teachers. Each student was having the bags packed with dreams of having unique type of learning.
Yes, I am talking about the “College on Wheels”, the unique initiative of the Higher Education Council and University of Jammu aimed at empowering over 700 girl students from across Universities and Colleges of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It was really an educational pilgrimage for the students as was stated by the Lieutenant Governor while flagging of “College on Wheels” called “Gyanodaya Express”.
Amidst the “Choo..Chug…Chuff” of the train, the students were seen busy in surfing internet to get prior information about the destinations which they were about to explore as soon as they started voyage to discover diverse regions and culture of country and to explore new aspects of life and wisdom. The mentors, who accompanied them, not only acted as their teachers but also as their parents during this 15 days long experimental learning so that girls feel homely atmosphere.
Majority of the students as well as their mentors had never dreamt that they would get the opportunity to visit those places which generally no one can visit so easily. Among these were Temple of Democracy (Parliament House) and
Rashtrapati Bhawan (a symbol of Indian democracy and its secular, plural and inclusive ideals), in New Delhi. They were amused to see the corridors of democratic institutions which shape the nation’s destiny and make laws to provide justice to every citizen of the country. The visit to these two highest institutions of the country served as inspiration for each and every student, some of them may don the role of future leaders for contribution to the progress and property of great nation.
It was again a privilege for all the students to visit Mumbai Naval Base and Naval Dockyard in Goa to delve into the maritime world. Gathering information about the Naval prowess by personally visiting Mumbai Naval Base and Naval Dockyard and through a proper briefing by top officers will be a memorable event for the students as generally they had witnessed the ability of our Navy through the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi on television by sitting in the four walls of their houses.
Visiting Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) at Benguluru, an organization involved in science, engineering and technology to harvest the benefits of outer space for India and the mankind, was again a fascinating experience for these privileged students. They were awestruck to have seen from their own eyes as to how the organization has helped the country in scaling new heights in the space by launching satellites in the required orbits. The visit to ISRO Headquarters greatly inspired the students for working towards the nation in whatever possible ways they can after completing their higher studies.
It was due to unique initiative of the J&K Higher Education Council and University of Jammu that these girl students got the opportunity to visit these highly guarded places to understand how much the great India is capable in science and technology and in the defense field.
Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmedabad, which stands as a monument to Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi’s life mission, acted as a source of inspiration and guidance for each one of us. This Ashram was one among various things which the students came to know from the books only but personally visiting the premises of Ashram will be never forgotten experience for them. It was from here on March 12, 1930 that Gandhiji launched the famous Dandi March with 78 companions in protest against the British Salt Law.
Another major aspect which the students came to know about Father of Nation was that he established his residence which travelling to Central India in village Shegaon in Wardha, which was, later, renamed as Sevagram—“Village of Service”. It was from this place that he spread the message: “Village improvement is the only foundation on which conditions in India can be permanently ameliorated”.
The College on Wheels truly provided the students an opportunity to properly understand the Father of Nation’s message on education: “By education, I mean an all around drawing out of the best in the child—body, mind and spirit”. We all truly understood that primary purpose of education is to prepare students for a life of service towards building the nation.
Apart from providing them opportunity of hands-on experience about country’s various facets, the College on Wheels initiative forested personal growth and self-confidence of the students and surely the experiences of 15-days long voyage will help them in their future endeavors. I wish Government of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory will keep on taking such unique initiatives in future also.
(The author is Assistant Prof English in GCOE Jammu)