Commercialization of Socialism

Rashim Deepika
“Krishna said the  ignorant work for their profit.  Arjuna said , the wise work  for the welfare of the World, without thought for themselves. ”
Aim of Social Service is to help the most disadvantaged people in our society.  But now the social service sector is also orienting towards  the Economic market with their Commercial activities.
With this commercialization of Society and Culture, we are mortgaging the soul of our Culture, Ethics and Value System. Commercialization of  any sector is good, but Social Responsibility is more important.
Few days back, there was uproar in Indian Parliament with respect to documentary made on India’s daughter “Nirbay”, which has embarrassed to whole Film Industry, which is known to play always a positive role in the structuring and architecturing  the society with moral and ethical values. Here socialisation has taken a U-term. For certain Commercial gains, the heinous offender is glorified and we are making him hero. Is this an example of modernization, which we have dreamt of or is this an outcome of our education, modernization of Industrialization of our society?
On one side whole world celebrates “Women’s Day” and on Contrary to this for certain Commercial gains we are ready to compromise  our ethics.
Are not  we making a sick society? India is a country where people worship the female form as “Shakti”. Then why are we eroding our values just for certain Commercial gains .
Besides cast, ecreed and culture, it is high time to introspect our conscience and then with a collective decision we have to come out to which direction our  society to be shaped. Without further compromising our ethics, moral values, a modern society needs to be build.
If our Nalanda University in Ancient times can fascinate students from all over world then why don’t we can think to make India a safe place for World’s  daughters. Can we give practical shape to this idea that daughters from all over the World may come in India atleast to spend certain days here, which may become Golden memories of their life. Let’s begin with this thought and try to make our society a “Gender Sensitive” society, which can become a model for the whole World. Every person of our society has to conceive this thought to say big no to sex based crimes. We have to respect this beautiful creation of God.
Parents also need to do  counsell their children and to make them aware of the concept of Gender equality. Vivekananda said ” there is no chance for the welfare of the World unless the condition of women is improved.” The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its soul.
Individual gains are good but Society is far far above the Individual gains.
Don’t commercialize the society in such a manner that it will erode on its own.
Think of new India, where modern society is blessed with ethical and moral values.