Common man at receiving end

The country has been witnessing steep escalation in prices of essential commodities which is barest need for survival and rest everything is secondary. Multi dimensional infrastructural development in the country is obviously meant for providing solace and comfort to the common masses and not for crucifying the poor. Economic reforms must be focused on alleviation of hardships of common people and not for creating unusual circumstances for driving major chunk of population to harsh malnutrition, unemployment and criminal pursuits. The present economic reforms programme may be friendly to affluent segment of society who have enough and to spare, can afford to pull on with their lavish lifestyle in the teeth of sky rocketing prices. But the Indian population comprises nearly 35 crores of people living below the poverty  line and handsome number of middle class who need “Dal Roti” at reasonable cost but the prices of pulses, vegetables, flour and rice as well as cooking oils are jumping at regular intervals.
There is no conflict with the economic reform but cap on prices of eatables is the need of the hour.
Yours etc….
P C Sharma
Trikuta Nagar