Communal harmony

Communal harmony means that the people belonging to different communities should live in an atmosphere of peace and amity. India is a very large country. It is a big family of more that 110 crores of people who differ widely in their religions castes languages dress food habits manners etc. Unfortunately many parties and forces exploit these differences for their interest. They create communal hatred and tension to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the country. Consequently the attention of the Government and all constructive programmes are suspended.
Communal harmony is essential for the entire progress of our country. Social, political and economic development cannot take place in the absence of communal harmony. The unrest in the various parts of the country is all due to communal discard. The monster of communalism has raised the ugly head. Many forces are working day and night to sow the seeds  of hatred and communal discard. They are making every possible effort to create a gulf between different communities which would be difficult to bridge.
The politicians and the religious heads should teach and preach tolerance. The Government should make all possible efforts to check it the menace of terrorism. Different communities should celebrate their festivals jointly. Education should be reformed. The educational institutions should do everything possible to teach communal harmony. All these steps will definitely help to end communal disharmony.
Yours etc….
Lekh Raj Raina,
Organiser-Peace  & Harmony
Sunderbani, Baja Bain Rajouri