Communal riots in country

The communal riots in any country is nothing but a curse which endangers the sovereignty of a country. Communal riots keep on recurring in India time and again, taking in their stride precious human life and reducing property of people to ashes.
We cannot tackle these riots by enacting harsh laws or by giving sweeping powers to police to contain them. The only way these can be controlled is by asking politicians of the country not to play politics with religion.
The vote bank politics in the country is a great cause of these riots. The Election Commission and the Judiciary is the only hope which may check these riots. The politicians found directly or indirectly responsible for these riots should be debarred from participating in the elections, besides imposing heavy penalty on them. In India people belonging to different religious denominations usually  love to live in communal harmony and believe in universal brotherhood. India’s greatness  lies in the famous saying ‘unity in diversity.’
Yours etc….
Santosh Singh, Jammu