Cong accuses Govt of acting in despair for overturning people’s mandate

NEW DELHI :  Congress has accused that the Modi Government at the Centre was acting  in despair in the wake of fall in popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and it was usurping power by overturning people’s mandate in states like Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.        The principal opposition party at the Centre also charged the PM and his cabinet with hatching a conspiracy to desecrate the constitution.        “PM Mr Modi knows about his rising unpopularity, so he is usurping power by overturning people’s  mandate”, the party said in a note last night.       “Prime Minister Modi and his Cabinet hatched a conspiracy to desecrate the most venerable book of the Indian Republic – our Constitution..,..the recent State elections in Delhi, Bihar and by-elections  and local body elections in some states have shown that the people of India are seeing through the  empty words of the PM and his politics of lies and hate”, it said in the note.        “So now, the Prime Minister is abusing the power vested in him by the people of India..,..He and his party are brazenly using muscle and money power to topple elected State Governments and imposing President’s Rule where all tricks fail”, the party alleged.       “PM Modi is scared of losing power and the reason why he used the Union Government to impose  President’s Rule in Uttarakhand..,..His party used money and muscle power in Uttarakhand to destabilise democratically elected Congress Government, but failed miserably”, it further stated.        “BJP then sponsored a petition in the High Court to prevent Speaker of Assembly from exercising his Constitutional powers under anti-defection law..,..the High Court of Uttarakhand negated this conspiracy and dismissed the petition”, the party quipped.       “Failing on all fronts, the BJP then imposed President’s Rule in the State in the vain hope of getting  power there, in complete violation of the SR Bommai case Judgement of the Supreme Court, which said that once a floor test has been ordered, President’s Rule cannot be imposed till the test is over.        This naked politics becomes more evident by the BJP’s action, or rather inaction, in Haryana which has been rocked by violence and a complete breakdown of law and order to the point that Central Forces were called to control the situation..,..Is the violence and rapine and attacks on innocent people not a breakdown of Constitutional machinery of Haryana or does the Haryana CM get a free pass because he is a loyal member of the RSS?”, the party taunted.       “Yet, for every falsehood that is shared by the BJP and for every act of violence, the will of the people only grows stronger..,..In the last two years we have seen the true face of the BJP, whose naked hunger for power has led them to abuse the overwhelming mandate given to them by the people”, the party has observed.
“Instead of working for Good Governance and improving the state of the economy, they seem to be on a fast track to destroy the institutions of India..,..If they think the Congress and the people will cower at this show of aggression, the BJP is sorely mistaken..,..history has taught us that the more a Government tries to oppress its people, the stronger is the resistance from its citizens..,..and in the end, the truth always triumphs”, it further asserted. (AGENCIES)