Cong asks PM to come clean on stand on release of Alam

Slamming the release of hardline Hurriyat leader Masrath Alam, the Congress today asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to come clean on his stand over the “continuous adventurism” of the PDP-BJP Government in Jammu and Kashmir which was “endangering” the peace in the Valley.
“We strongly condemn the release of Masrath Alam. Prime Minister, and BJP must answer as to why peaceful atmosphere of J&K is being sought to be disturbed by successive unilateral moves by PDP-BJP Government,” AICC Communication Department in-charge Randip Surjewala said.
He recalled that the J&K Chief Minister within an hour of swearing in of the PDP-BJP Government, had thanked the separatists, terrorists and Pakistan for peaceful polls instead of thanking the valour of people of Jammu & Kashmir, security forces and Election Commission.
“Release of Masrath Alam, principal propagator of stone pelters, further endangers the hard-earned peace in J&K (achieved) by determined resolve of people of J&Kas also our security forces,” he said.
Alam, the leader of the hardline-faction of Hurriyat, who had spearheaded the stone-pelting agitations in the Valley in 2008 and 2010, was released from prison following the new Government’s policy of freeing political prisoners who do not face criminal charges.
Surjewala demanded that the Prime Minister answer to the nation whether he subscribes to such “ill-thought remarks and adventurism” by his party’s coalition Government in J&K.
Another Congress leader Manish Tewari took to Twitter to slam the Government on the issue.
“BJP-PDP govt Releases Masrat Alam in Srinagar, BJP protests in Jammu, evades in Delhi Ques Mr PM who is he political prisoner or terroist?
Former Youth Congress chief and party MP Rajeev Satav also attacked the Government.
“Release of Masrath Alam (arrested u/s 121) proves that BJP has taken massive #UTurn.Modi ji shud give statement.
Meanwhile, J&K unit of congress today said that the controversy over the release of the hardline separatist leader Masarat Alam “has proved the sharp differences between the coalition partners and exposed the dangers of polarization” in the two regions of the State.
“With the release of Masarat Alam, PDP was trying to hoodwink the people of Kashmir region from whom the party had sought votes to keep BJP at bay,” Congress spokesman, Salman Nizami, said.
While accusing the PDP and BJP to deceive the people of the State for the sake of power, Nizami said, “PDP is trying to wash stains of deceit it got after allying with BJP, while BJP on the other hand is instigating the people of Jammu region after misleading them with the hollow promise of abrogating Article 370. Both these parties have exposed themselves before the masses.”
He alleged that the coalition partners were more interested in scoring points over each other rather than focusing on the development of the State.
The Congress spokesman said that his party was not averse to the release of prisoners, who face no serious charges. However, he said that the Government must act cautiously before arriving at any decision.
“In fact, it was former Chief Minister and Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad, who had initiated the process of the release of the prisoners. He took bold decisions and also ensured that the release of any prisoner does not create problems for the law enforcement agencies,” Nizami said.
The coalition partners “must ensure that a situation like 2008 or 2010 doesn’t arise,” he added. (PTI)