Cong, BJP sharply react to Rather’s remarks on Amaranth shrine road

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 20: Several Congress, BJP and other leaders have sharply reacted to the statement of Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather from National Conference that State Government has no plans to construct road to Shri Amarnath shrine.
The reaction from some coalition partners from Congress besides state BJP leaders came after Abdul Rahim Rather and Congress Minister Sham Lal Sharma during joint press conference claimed that Government had no plans to go ahead with the Shri Amarnath shrine road project despite the that fact that a recent direction came from the Supreme Court of India that facilities for the pilgrims be increased and road be constructed and widened up to the cave shrine. They also reacted to the statement of some Kashmiri separatists, opposing the construction of road to Shri Amarnath shrine.
PCC chief Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz tried to down play the remarks of the NC Minister stating that he has not gone through the Supreme Court verdict. But he maintained that his party Minister Sham Lal was there in the press conference with Mr Rather. He said both Ministers tried to clarify the things while issuing the ‘Government’ statement in present scenario, Prof Soz  maintained.
Former R&B Minister and Congress CWC member, Th Gulchain Singh Charak while reacting sharply to the statement of Mr Rather said that Government is duty bound to enhance facilities besides constructing a road up to shrine and widen the existing `kutcha’ track so that yatris and ponies could move freely during yatra.
Mr Charak pointed out that when he was R&B Minister, Rs 19 crores were sanctioned by the Union Government for constructing road from Ranga Morh (near Baltal) to Sangam near shrine. The then Governor and he as R&B Minister had laid foundation stone for the construction of this road the work was also started. Tariq Hamid Qarra from PDP was then Forest Minister. Due to some conspiracy, the efforts were made by some vested interests to derail this project. The Forest clearance was also not accorded and then agitation started and the road project was abandoned. Otherwise this road would have been completed by now.
He said it is unfortunate that a senior Minister without caring for the sentiments of people from other community, is opposing the road. The Congress leader said that verdict of the court be honoured and it is binding on the Government.
Former R&B Minister and Congress MP from Jammu-Poonch Lok Sabha seat Madan Lal Sharma said though he has not gone through the apex court verdict in this direction yet he was of the firm opinion that directions of the Supreme Court be honoured.  It is obligatory for the Government or any individual to honour the court verdict. There should be no problem in construction of road for the pilgrims or increasing facilities for them. In view of the increasing number of pilgrims, the existing track is needed to be widened.
Former Health Minister and Congress MP from Udhampur- Doda Ch Lal Singh said road connectivity and widening of Amarnath shrine track is most essential to protect the pilgrims moving on narrow track. He said Mr Rather is minister of all the communities and he should avoid giving such statements of hurting religious sentiments of the people. Government is duty bound to provide facilities to the pilgrims of any religion visiting this State. Nobody should have any trouble if road is constructed up to Shri Amarnath shrine. He said some people tried to create communal divide on the name of `land row’ when there was proposal to construct a road.
State BJP chief spokesman and member National Executive of the party Dr Jitendra Singh, while sharply reacting to Rather’s statement, said holding of press conference by Minister and making some of the observations against the apex court, amounts to contempt of court. It deserves to be dealt under the law. Because the observations  made by Minister give the impression that he is trying to over rule or under play some of the court directions which is like sitting over the judgement of Supreme Court of India.
The BJP leader further said that NC Minister has further gone beyond his jurisdiction by issuing such statement because under the Shri Amarnath Shrine Act of 2000, the prerogative to decide about all logistics, regarding the yatra including the management of track lies solely with the Board and its chairman whereas, the State Government has the role of facilitator. For this chairman of the Board owe his response to the general public.
As for as the question of preservation of environment and pollution is concerned, if those pleading for this are sincere they should first demand curtailment in duration of tourist season and restriction in the number of tourists visiting Kashmir so that ecology of the region is preserved. He said that highest number of deaths took place during this yatra and widening of road and its construction  was must keeping in view the increasing number of pilgrims.
Former Union Mminister and MLA Jammu West, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta said unfortunately J&K seems to be a kind of State where anybody dare to speak anything despite court directive. He said Supreme Court has issued directions regarding improving facilities including construction of road and a high powered committee has also been framed to examine and submit its report. He said issuing a statement by a senior Minister of the ruling party at this juncture will give rise to another controversy. It amounts to hurting the religious sentiments of the people.
Mr Rather should not go for issuing such statements in hurry. The Board and the State Government should enhance facilities for pilgrims  and they are duty bound. Even a Gandola service be launched to facilitate the elderly pilgrims. He said even Dass Committee had issued directions when he was Union Minister to enhance facilities but not much was done in this regard.