Cong blunders in J&K began with Nehru: Dr Jitendra Singh

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Feb 26: Making a scathing attack on Congress and National Conference (NC) leaders for speaking the language of separatists, Union Minister of State in PMO Dr Jitendra Singh today said that Congress is in state of confusion as it is baffled over the series of losses in elections so the party and its allies are speaking the language of fringe elements.
While commenting on recent statement of former Chief Minister of the State and ex Union Minister, Dr Farooq Abdullah, Dr Jitendra Singh said that when in power Dr Abdullah goes up to the extent asking for attacking terrorist camps in Pakistan and while out of power he over night changes the statement and speaks the language of fringe elements.
Talking to reporters here, today, Dr Jitendra Singh said that NC leader should apologize for his “uncalled for statement” as in any developed democracy no one is allowed to speak against the nationality and sovereignty of the country.
He said the Union Government has taken strong cognizance of the statement and the first reaction has come from senior Party leader and Union Minister of Urban Development Venkaiah Naidu itself.
While taking a dig at the statement of former Union Minster of Home and senior Congress leader P Chidambaram who too had said that Kashmir is going out of hands, Dr Jitendra Singh said that some body needs to remind him that it was Congress which ruled the country for 65 years right from 1947 and right from the dawn of independence when Nehru headed the first Government the party has done  many blunders. The present crisis in Kashmir are the result of these blunders called the Nehruvian blunders, he added.
The Union Minister said the Congress should be thankful to Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who is trying to undo the wrongs committed by the Party leadership right from Nehru period.
“Had the Nehru as the first Prime Minister of the country not committed mistakes and allowed the then Home Minister Sardar Patel to handle the Kashmir, the situation would have been altogether different in the sub-continent today,” he said, adding there is no problem in other 565 principalities which were handled by Patel except the J&K which was handled by Nehru.
He said the Kashmir problem surfaced from the day the country got independence and cropped up due to blunders from time to time by successive Congress Governments at Centre and in the State.
He said “had Sardar Patel not been denied the opportunity there would have neither been the Kashmir issue today but the entire J&K ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh including Gilgit-Baltistan and PoK would have been part of India.”
He warned that violation of certain norms attached to soul of India under the garb of freedom of speech can’t be allowed and tolerated. Such elements have to face action, he added.
He said of late it has become a fashion among some of so called intellectuals to seek instant publicity or headline by abusing the sovereignty of Indian Republic and integrity of Mother India.
Dr Jitendra Singh also took a dig at those who use educational institutions for their vested interests. While referring to the unruly behavior of Leftists lobby pressing for holding a seminar with under tunes of so called Kashmir Azadi and Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), the Union Minister said this is displaying the worst kind of indiscipline by a lobby which blames others for intolerance.
On Karnataka diary, Dr Jitendra Singh said that it is no longer a guarded secret as Congress as well as UPA I and UPA IInd was involved in many scams. The Congress has been exposed.  The Karnataka diary is a big disclosure and it will further add to the extinction of Congress which is facing defeat one by one, he added.