Cong conspiring with break-India forces for communal riots: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 17: Despite its best efforts Congress failed to set Assam on fire but is determined to stoke communal riots in the country as is evident from the Jamia episode in Delhi and communally sensitive states like UP, Bihar, Telengana and West Bengal, claimed Brig (retd) Anil Gupta spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party.
While the Chief Minister of Assam has in no uncertain terms mentioned the involvement of a Congress worker in provoking violence in the State, the Jamia episode is the handiwork of politically backed rioters who wanted to create communal riots on the pattern of 1984 riots in Delhi but failed due to the timely action of Delhi police, asserted Brig Gupta.
Slogans like ‘Azadi’ and ‘Khilafat 2.0′ clearly indicated that communal forces were behind the agitation. “The protest against Citizenship Amendment Act launched by Congress by creating fear among the Muslims is highly unjustified. It has been clarified time and again by the PM and HM that the Act is related to granting citizenship and does not affect the existing citizens of India and is not against any particular religious community. Yet, Congress is provoking the Muslims on the pretext that their citizenship in India is in danger. Nothing can be farther from truth but the break-India elements have succeeded in their design of creating a communal rift leading to riots, arson, loot and vandalism,” stated Brig Gupta.
The true democratic tradition demands thorough discussion and opposition on the floor of the two houses of Parliament when the Bill is placed before the House. But once it is passed by the requisite majority and becomes an Act, it is incumbent on all parties to accept and respect the Act. “However, having failed to defeat the Bill in the Parliament, Congress decided to take to streets burning and vandalising public and private party and even attacking the police parties with petrol bombs. This is the actual murder of democracy,” accused Brig Gupta. There is no denying the fact that every citizen is s entitled to right to peaceful protest but no statute gives the “Right to Riot”, . Dissent is valid but not violence that too intended to divide the country, he added.
He said “How much bloodshed does Congress wish to see in our country? Hasn’t it learnt any lessons from the 1984 riots provoked by it? Is Congress a party to Pakistan’s avowed aim of’ bleeding India through thousand cuts’?” asked Brig Gupta.
Reacting to the statement of Ghulam Nabi Azad blaming BJP, “of being responsible for ‘death of expectations’ of people of Jammu & Kashmir by removing Article 370 and downgrading the status of the State,” Brig Gupta retorted, “Congress like the other Kashmir centric parties wanted J&K to remain in turmoil so that they could continue to loot the State exchequer and J&K Bank for personal benefits at the cost of ordinary citizens.