Cong enemy, BJP friend: JD-U

NEW DELHI, Apr 13:
Citing his failure to check post-Godhra riots, NDA constituent JD(U) today made clear its opposition to Narendra Modi’s projection as Prime Ministerial candidate but ruled out the possibility of aligning with “enemy” Congress at the cost of “friend” BJP.
Taking stock of the political scenario in the country against the growing clamour in BJP for pitting Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate, the JD(U) executive, which met here, criticised the Gujarat Chief Minister saying he “failed in discharging his duties as the head of the state to check communal riots in Gujarat in 2002”.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said in the meeting that JD(U) “will not compromise with its principles”, which was interpreted by many in party circles as an indication that he will not keep silent if BJP projects Modi as its PM candidate.
While JD(U) leaders have made public statements expressing their antipathy to Modi, this is the first time the party has made its position formally clear through a conclave–the National Executive meeting.
Amid speculation over Nitish Kumar also being in the Prime Ministerial race, party spokesperson K C Tyagi said emphatically, not once but thrice, that “Nitish Kumar is not a PM candidate.”
While making it clear that it was opposed to Modi’s projection as the Prime Ministerial candidate, JD(U), however, said it will not set any deadline for BJP to decide on who would be its Prime Ministerial face.
Responding to a volley of questions on whether JD(U) will oppose Modi’s projection in BJP for the top job, Tyagi said “as long as the Parliamentary Board of BJP does not categorically say who is its Prime Ministerial candidate, why should we talk about it?”
Sources said Bihar JD(U) chief Vashishtha Naryan Singh said in the meeting that BJP cannot be given an “indefinite period” for delcaring its PM candidate.
Addressing the media later, Tyagi indicated JD(U) does not have reservation against any other leader, including L K Advani, in BJP for which it has “affection”. (PTI)