Cong hits out at Modi Govt’s Pak policy, says it is ”confusing”

NEW DELHI: Taking exception to the presence of Union Minister Prakash Javadekar sharing platform with Kashmiri separatist leaders at the Pakistan National Day function at the country’s High Commission  here last night, the Congress today attacked the Narendra Modi-led NDA Government for its “confusing” policy towards Pakistan.

“One time they call off the Foreign Secretary level talks on the ground that the Pakistan envoy is engaged with Kashmiri separatists, and next time  members of the Government have no hesitation in joining separatists at the Pakistan High Commission  for a function, all of which is sending a very confusing signal”, Congress Spokesperson Tom Vadakkam said here even as the Hurriyat leaders are today meeting High Commissioner Abdul Basit for talks. Mr Vadakkam said “the policy of the previous UPA Government towards Pakistan was based on very sound and clear principles, but the NDA Government had taken a path that did not seem to serve any purpose”.

Mr Javadekar had last night spent about 15 minutes at the Pakistan National Day function which was attended among others by Hurriyat leaders Sayed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Naeen khan.

The High Commissioner had earlier yesterday while talking to reporters tried to downplay the presence of Hurraiyat leaders, saying that “it was nothing new, as the Kashmir leaders had been visiting the High Commission in the past too”. (AGENCIES)