Cong leaders issue statements through Rahul: Ramdev

SAGAR, MP, Oct 27:  Terming Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi as a novice in politics, Yoga Guru Ramdev today alleged that some Congress leaders issued statements through him which creates problem for him.

“I am touring every corner to make the country free from corruption. I am also committed in bringing black money stacked in foreign banks. I am also encouraging each and every citizen to exercise their franchise for the coming elections,” he told reporters after conducting a yoga camp in this major town of  Bundelkhand.

Targeting Congress once again, the Yoga Guru said the party was adept in hatching conspiracy and there was a threat of his life from the Congress.

A particular family was involved in several scams including that of Bofors and this family should be removed from power.

The Yoga Guru also expressed concern over the Asaram episode and described the act of the self-styled godman as shameful. (UNI)