Cong leaving no stone unturned to get India ‘burnt, destroyed’: BJP

Not Muslims but minorities faced persecution in Islamic countries: Patra

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 22: Lashing out at Congress for instigating the innocent people to violence on Citizens Amendment Act (CAA), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today warned it that Prime Minister, Narendra Modi will never allow it to succeed in its designs to get the country “burnt and destroyed”.

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BJP national spokesperson, Sambit Patra while addressing series of meetings here, today in connection with party’s camping accused the Congress of leaving no stone unturned in getting the country “burnt and destroyed” but praised the Prime Minister for working relentlessly to resolve long-pending issues like Article 370, Triple Talaq, Ram Mandir and the grant of citizenship to the persecuted religious minorities of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, staying in India’s as refugees.
Patra, who reached here this morning as part of the BJP’s country-wide campaign to educate people about the Citzenship Amendment Act, 2019 amid the widespread violence over changes in the Citizenship law, blamed Congress for the protests.
“As far as the Congress is concerned, the main aim of the party is to distort, divide and destroy India – this three ‘D’ of Congress party is known since its inception and we have seen the country was divided on religious lines way back in 1947 because of the Congress party which has been reiterated by (Home Minister) Amit Shah on the floor of Parliament,” the BJP leader said.
He said Modi has strong resolve and will never let “this type of intention” of the Congress party to succeed.
Referring to the BJP mantra of ‘Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas and Sab Ka Vishwas’, he said, “Whatever is good for the country will be done by Narendra Modi Government.”
“Over the years, you have seen discussions on Article 370, Triple Talaq, Ram Mandir and CAA but no Government made any attempt to address these issues. How will the country improve and move forward? Today we have a Prime Minister to whom we are proud of as he is working relentlessly to resolve the unresolved issues of the country at the earliest,” he said.
He said what Congress could not do in five decades, the Narendra Modi led BJP Government has done that in just six years.
He said the BJP Government resolved the issue of temporary Article 370 by its abrogation, while Ram Mandir issue stands resolved by the court.
He said there is no threat to Muslims in these Islamic countries including Ahmediayas and Shias because they also practice Islam as their religion while the minorities have faced persecution there and their population has decreased in these countries constantly.
He said even father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi had said after the partition that doors of minorities in India are open if they feel threatened in Pakistan and he even went to the extent of granting citizenship rights to them in India, “Narendra Modi has not done any thing wrong but translated this into reality by granting the citizenship rights to the minorities of these countries which Nehru -Gandhi family and Congress failed to do later”, he added.
At VHP meeting at Thather Bantalab, Patra accused Congress and other opposition parties of criticising the police and Army when they kill a terrorist or arrest a stone pelter but never raise a voice when policemen or an Army jawan is attacked by the terrorists and separatists. “They protested against the killing of Burhan Wani, Afzal Guru and Yaqoob Menon the dreaded terrorists but never talked about those who became the victims of terrorist violence”, he added.
He said Congress and other opposition parties never spoke a word or showed any sympathy with Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to flee the Valley over 30 years back by terrorists and separatists but they show all sympathies with Rohingyas and separatists.
Accusing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of toeing Pak Prime Minister, Imran Khan’s line, he said on abrogation of Article 370 and CAA Imran had said secularism in India is in danger and the same statement was repeated by Rahul Gandhi later.
Taking Congress chief, Sonia Gandhi to task, he said she being a foreigner does not know the pain of minority refugees persecuted in Islamic countries. She feels perturbed that how a person selling tea (Chaiwala) has become Prime Minister and why not her son could become.