Cong ministers to visit all distts, blocks: Soz

Excelsior Correspondent

PCC chief Prof Saif-ud-Din Doz addressing party workers at Rajouri on Saturday.
PCC chief Prof Saif-ud-Din Doz addressing party workers at Rajouri on Saturday.

RAJOURI, May 31: Former Union Minister and Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president, Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz today said that all the party ministers  have been asked to visit all the districts and blocks and solve the problems of the public by interacting with them.
Talking to media-persons at the sidelines of  the party workers meeting here to introspect the party defeat in the recent Lok Sabha elections, Prof Soz said that party was trying to find out the reasons behind  and also trying to get feed back from the grass-root level workers. The process of self- introspection has been initiated and the party would review its strategy in coming Assembly elections.
Replying to a question regarding complaints of the general public that ministers are only confined to their home constituencies and hardly visit other areas, the PCC chief said all the  party ministers have been asked to visit all the districts and blocks of the State and interact with the people, identify their problems and try to resolve them. These type of complaints will be attended properly now, Prof Soz maintained.
When asked whether Congress would contest Assembly elections on its own or will have trucks with NC, the PCC chief said, “Yeh baad ki baat hai.  There is lot of time now for the Assembly elections and the decision in this regard will be taken at the appropriate time by the party, keeping in view the aspirations of the cadre.”
Earlier, Prof Soz accompanied by some senior party functionaries reviewed the over all functioning of the organization and the performance of the party during the recently concluded elections. The workers shared their experiences and difficulties with the president and  put forth their suggestions for strengthening the party  and need to improve the governance in order to come up  to the expectations of the people. The party functionaries emphasized that the party ministers should undertake extensive touring of different areas in consultation with the party functionaries at block level.
They also pointed out that the party units of the grass route level should be reconstituted where ever required and dedicated and honest workers given responsibility to gear up the party activities. They also shared their views  and experience about the coalition and suggested the future course of action.  About 50 leaders/ party workers spoke during day long meeting.
Prof Soz while concluding discussion  extended gratitude to the party workers of Rajouri-Poonch for their hard work during the recent Lok Sabha elections as a result Congress secured large number of votes in most of the constituencies. Prof Soz assured that organisation set up would be strengthened at different levels to infuse new spirit in the party structure. He said that he himself and Ghulam Nabi Azad would undertake tour to different areas of the Sate in near future in order to listen to the party workers and people.
Senior leaders Th Hari Singh, Ravinder Sharma general secretary (MLC),   Bashir Ahmed Naz, Shabir Khan-MLA, Indu Pawar MLA, Th Puran Singh Ex-MLA, Ashok Sharma Ex-MLA, Ch Sain Rashid, Master Tasaduq Hussain, Murtaza Khan ( Ex-MLC) also spoke in the meeting.