Cong, NC can’t digest BJP’s popularity: Dr Manyal

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 18: BJP general secretary and former Minister, Dr Devinder Kumar Manyal today lambasted National Conference (NC) and Congress for leveling baseless allegations against his party and spreading canards to misled the public opinion.
In a statement issued here, Dr Manyal said “Not even a single day passes when the opposition parties in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly the Congress and the NC, target BJP for their own political survival. The fact is that none of them have anything to claim as achievement of the long years when they were in power”, he added.
Dr Manyal, while reacting to the false and misleading campaign of Congress and NC against BJP just to remain in good books of the people, warned them that their tirade would prove to be a futile exercise.
He said that these parties have turned issueless and were left with no option but to keep targeting BJP. Their approach is the outburst of the deep frustration growing among them with each passing day, he added.
Dr Manyal said that the present day voters cannot be misled any more as they have access to various means of communication and remain in regular touch with the outside world and know better about the local developments, the role of political parties, the programmes and policies of the Government and their impact on the lives of common citizens.
The BJP leader said that although Congress and NC ruled for decades at the Centre and in the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir but still they stand nowhere in comparison with BJP at any level. He said that corruption and nepotism remained the hallmark of these parties. On the other hand, no dynastic rule, zero tolerance on corruption and security, good governance coupled with massive developmental activities and real welfare of all the sections of the society, are a few among long lists of achievements of BJP-led Government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Dr. Manyal further said that the ground realities themselves speak that the people are happy with Modi Government and its pro people policies and programmes which has frustrated other parties, who are fearing closure of their shops. He said that the Congress and NC leaders cannot digest the wide acceptance of BJP in Jammu and Kashmir as they have foreseen their defeat.