Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 27: BJP spokesperson today said the act to boycott the programme of an important event being organized to commemorate the Constitution Day at the Central Hall of Parliament by Congress and over a dozen other political parties of the country has exposed them for their dubious standards.
Balbir Ram Rattan, while terming such an approach by the political parties as gross disrespect and dishonour to the symbols of the Indian democracy, said that it need to be condemned in strongest words by one and all.
Balbir said that to boycott the event by these political parties also exposes the dual face of Congress and others, who perhaps have different meanings of the Constitution on different occasions. The leaders of these parties would stand up in honour of the Constitution, salute it and take its oath if they are to get some position as Minister, Governor etc. It shows that when it comes to avail any benefit, Constitution becomes everything and most dear to them.
Balbir further said that respecting the Constitution is the duty of every citizen and it should be followed by all the Indians, irrespective of their political, social affiliations or personal likings and dislikings.
“Political parties and their leaders should keep aside their ideologies and agendas on such occasions which are important in many ways and needs oneness among all the people”, Balbir said and added that healthy opposition does not mean to always oppose or boycott every programme or event if some other party is in power.
The spokesperson said that nation first is the core principle of Bharatiya Janata Party and every activist of the party takes pride in showering full respect to the Constitution, its architect and national symbols, whether in power or in opposition. This is one of the differences between BJP and other parties, which makes it a party with a difference.