J&K Congress Pays Tributes To Former PM Indira Gandhi On Birth Anniversary

JAMMU, Nov 19:  The Jammu and Kashmir unit of Congress on Sunday paid tributes to former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on her 106th birth anniversary and accused BJP-led central government of making desperate attempts to undermine the contribution of the party stalwarts.
  Congress members led by Pradesh Congress Committee president Vikar Rasool Wani assembled at Indira Chowk and garlanded the statue of Gandhi.
“The nation reached great heights due to her courageous decisions and progressed on all fronts despite facing numerous challenges,” Wani said.
He said some politicians with vested interests are trying to belittle the work of Congress stalwarts, especially the work done by the Nehru family for the country.
“The present BJP regime led by (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi is making every effort to distort facts to divert the attention of the nation from the contribution of Congress and its great leaders,” the PCC president said.
He said the people of Jammu and Kashmir will not forgive BJP for its “historic blunder” of disbanding and downgrading Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories.
“In this way, the people have been deprived of their powers and rights in an arbitrary and undemocratic manner,” he said.
Wani said his party will strive for the restoration of full statehood and other constitutional safeguards for Jammu and Kashmir for the protection of the rights of its people. (Agencies)