Cong pursued policy of regional discrimination, appeasement: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh campaigning in remote hilly Panchayat areas of Chenani Assembly constituency on Friday. — Excelsior/K Kumar
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh campaigning in remote hilly Panchayat areas of Chenani Assembly constituency on Friday. — Excelsior/K Kumar

‘Women to take lead in ensuring 400 + seats to NDA’

Avtar Bhat
CHENANI, Mar 22: Accusing the Congress party of pursuing policy of regional discrimination and appeasement, Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh and BJP candidate from Udhampur Lok Sabha constituency, today said the Chenani and its far off areas faced total negligence during previous Governments.

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In a whirlwind election tour of Chenani Assembly segment during which he visited several remote hilly Panchayat areas and addressed a series of public meetings culminating at Mantalai, Dr Jitendra Singh said that impressed by massive development done by Modi Government, women folk have resolved to give a victory with 400 plus seats to National Democratic Alliance (NDA) during the Lok Sabha elections this time.
“The women have to play a great role in ensuring the 400 plus victory to NDA led by Modi because their inner heart has been touched by the facilities provided by Narendra Modi Government and its public welfare schemes,” he said.
Dr Jitendra Singh said they (women) have resolved not only to cast their own vote in favour of BJP but will ensure that their male counterparts will also vote for the party which has taken out of box decisions for the upliftment of poor and downtrodden people, development of far flung and backward areas of the country and betterment of women folk.
He said the Chenani villages lacked basic facilities like roads, drinking water, etc due to discriminative policies of earlier Governments and PM Narendra Modi has given directives to all his partymen including Ministerial colleagues that they should serve the people without caste, religion and regional considerations and ensure that last man in the last queue gets the benefit of welfare schemes.
Dr Jitendra Singh said today every village in Chenani is connected with a good network of roads, the women were given free cooking gas cylinders under Ujwala scheme, besides the pacca houses were constructed for the people living in Kachha houses and their ownership was made on the name of women. This was a revolutionary step which no earlier Governments could take, he added.
Lambasting Congress, he said the party had abandoned Mantalai project and it was Prime Minister Narendra Modi who revived it to set up a state of the art Wellness cum Meditation Centre.
Dr Jitendra Singh said Late Dhirendra Brahamchari had planned Aparna Ashram at this spot. For this purpose he was provided a piece of land by the then Congress Government on the personal intervention of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who held the Yog Guru in high esteem. However, after the sudden demise of Dhirendra Brahamchari in a plane crash, for the next 50 years the structure was left abandoned and allowed to turn into shambles, he said.
It was only after Prime Minister Narendra Modi took over in 2014, said Dr Jitendra Singh, that the project was revived because Modi taught us that rising above all other considerations and regardless of political interest, “we will fulfil all those tasks which had remained unfinished by the UPA Government because of their politics of appeasement and vote politics.”
He said the state-of-art Wellness cum meditation centre set up at Mantalai will soon be a spot of international level as it caters to the requirement of all age groups and all genders at a much cost effective rate. He said for the ease of the travellers visiting here as well as for easy accessibility, the new centre also has a helipad and landing facility
Dr Jitendra Singh had proposed that the old Aparna Ashram should be maintained as Dhirendra Brahamchari’s archive collection and the hotel industry from outside should be motivated to invest here in the PPP Model. He said, he will get the proposal revived after the election.
In earlier meetings during the day, Dr Jitendra Singh said, Chenani block which was known to be very backward till a few years ago has witnessed a network of roads and this has contributed to district Udhampur securing one of the three ranks every year as far as PMGSY roads are concerned.
He said Chenani which was earlier known to be one of the most backward areas got three national level projects in the last 10 years. One of them is Asia’s longest 9.5 long km ‘Chenani-Nashri Highway Tunnel’, Sudhmahadev – Khellani National Highway connecting the most backward and inaccessible villages on the route and the Mantalai Centre.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that Purple and Lavender cultivation which was earlier started in Doda district has now been undertaken even in Basantgarh area of Chenani..
During his tour, Dr Jitendra Singh received a rousing welcome wherever he stopped on the way. He was accompanied by senior BJP leaders Balwant .Singh Mankotia, BJP vice president, Pawan Khajuria and Arun Gupta. The local PRIs, Panchs, Sarpanchs including DDC members joined him during the tour.