Cong says no to alliance for bypoll in Anantnag

AICC (I) general secretary Ambika Soni at a party workers meeting in Srinagar on Monday. -Excelsior Photo
AICC (I) general secretary Ambika Soni at a party workers meeting in Srinagar on Monday. -Excelsior Photo

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Apr 11: Opposition Congress today ruled out any alliance with National Conference in the bypoll for Anantnag Assembly constituency of South Kashmir which is lying vacant since the death of former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed early this year.
All India Congress Committee (AICC) general secretary and Incharge J&K Affairs, Ambika Soni, today announced Hilal Shah as party’s candidate for Anantnag Assembly segment. “We have our Hilal. Last time he fought valiantly. We are on our own,” she replied when asked about any pre-poll alliance with NC by reporters here on the sidelines of a party function.
“The National Conference and we formed the Government but we fought elections on our own,” said Congress leader, but added: “However, we will have constructive cooperation whenever the interests of the State are at stake, whenever the State is facing any danger… to let not the State suffer.”
Calling the alliance of ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) ‘opportunistic’, the AICC general secretary said there is no threat of State’s division on communal lines but asked people to remain vigilant. “We will never let Jammu and Kashmir to get disintegrated because all three parts are part of the State…”
“But when two parties, who are not connected ideologically and are opposite to each other, and then they in order to grab power form Government then what else other than you expect opportunism and compromise? People need to be vigilant from every side,” she added. The AICC general secretary said that the party wants to become watch guards and voice of common people. “We will prepare ourselves and fight for rights of people in every district,” she said.
Referring to the upcoming Municipal elections, the AICC general secretary said that the party would take up issues like that of rehabilitation of September 2014 flood victims. “The elections of Corporations and Local Bodies are due. I want that our party under the leadership of Mir (Ghulam Muhammad Mir) along with other leaders…. to take up those issues who have not died down like water which came in Srinagar and its adjoining areas.
“We witnessed peoples’ problems but those were not solved. We want money on the pattern of Uttarakhand where Manmohan Singh-led Government helped people with open heart and people were relieved,” Ambika Soni said. She said that the people in Uttarakhand were not given cheques worth Rs 2000 to Rs 4000 and same should be done here in Kashmir valley.
Lashing out at ruling BJP, Ambika Soni dared the saffron party to win polls against the Congress and said: “In Delhi, we governed for 15 years on 70 seats and when elections were held and they (BJP) got only three as AAP snatched everything from them.”
“It was impossible for us to return to power after 15 years. What did they achieve? Now they are raising ‘Congress Free India’. They couldn’t win elections. We will accept them only when they would win polls and defeat Congress,” she said, adding: “Some of our handful of MPs are not letting them live and are stopping them from wrong works.”
The AICC General Secretary sought a judicial probe into National Institute of Technology (NIT) episode and said no politics should be played over students’ issue. “See, our party in this entire issue has sought fair and frank fearless judicial enquiry. We want to know whether any political party is playing over the issue. May be the truth would come to fore (after judicial probe),” said Ambika Soni.
The Congress leader said the issues between the students should be resolved without any politics. “We don’t want to bring politics in the issue of students and scuffles between students should be resolved,” she said. Responding to a question regarding assaults on Kashmiri students in country’s educational institutes, the AICC General Secretary said the students in no way should be targeted and they are strictly opposed to any such practice.
“I am saying this should not happen. If our Government had made an arrangement of providing admissions to Kashmiri students on priority and humanitarian reasons then why should we want that those who study outside are compelled for anything (like chanting Bharat Maa Ki Jai)?” Ambika Soni asked.
The Congress leader further said that the students of J&K and other States have a Constitutional right to study wherever they want. “Every student, be it of J&K or Kerala, Punjab or West Bengal, has a right to study under Indian Constitution wherever he wishes. It is the right. We don’t want anyone should be subjected to misbehave. I am strictly against this,” she added.
Earlier addressing the workers rally, Ambika Soni, lashed out at PDP-BJP coalition for playing opportunistic politics by seeking votes against each other first and then joined hands by backstabbing the people. She said Congress was silently watching the developments for the past one year, but cannot remain silent now as the people of J&K have been even deprived of their basic rights.
The Congress leader said it is highly unfortunate that people are coming out on streets to press for their demands. She also took a dig at Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti for letting the people of J&K suffer for almost three months. “I wonder what Mehbooba Mufti got after such a long delay from the Prime Minister Narinder Modi”, Ambika Soni asked.
The Congress leader said that her party has a legacy of uniting and serving people of all shades, maintaining integrity of the Country and it (Congress) won’t allow any force to harm the age old tradition of Unity, Communal Harmony and Brotherhood in the Country.
Accusing BJP for destabilizing the Congress Governments in the States, She said Congress party is strong enough to defeat the designs and falsehood being spread by BJP leadership against the Party (Congress) and felt confident that people of the Country being wise enough have identified the real face of BJP and realized that BJP is playing politics on every issue concerning people.
JKPCC president, G A Mir, said that people of the State were betrayed by both PDP and BJP for the sake of power. “Both the parties indulged in all kinds of political gimmicks and falsehood to exploit the sentiments of the people in the name of religion and regionalism, but Congress being strong enough would defeat the politics of exploitation on the part of PDP-BJP and won’t allow them to play with the emotions of people for the sake of remaining in power”, he added.
Describing the people of the State as mature enough, the PCC chief said that people are watching political drama of both PDP and BJP and the day is not far when both PDP and BJP will have to face the wrath of the people for “betrayal”.
Earlier, the PCC Executive Committee passed a resolution, unanimously, which was presented by PCC chief G A Mir and it was seconded by former PCC president Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed.
The resolution stressed upon resolving the ration crisis in the State, compensation to farmers who got badly affected due to incessant rains, hailstorm, besides waving of KCC loan. The resolution impressed upon the Government to fulfill its commitment to the displaced people of 1947, 1965 and 1971.
The resolution also stressed upon the Government to change its mind set against the employees including the teaching community who are rendering their valuable services in the different odd times.
On this occasion some of local political representatives and social activists joined Congress Party in presence of Ambika Soni. They included Rohullah Gazi, Haroon Rashid , Mir Akbar Magami , Mohammad Ahsan Mir and Abdul Hamid Khan.
Earlier, the State Executive Committee of JKPCC Kashmir province was held here in which Ambika Soni was the chief guest. PCC chief G A Mir presided over the meeting.
The meeting was attended by all prominent leaders of the party including PCC functionaries, legislators (MLAs/MLCs), district Presidents, leaders of frontal Organization like Youth Congress, Seva Dal, INTUC, Mahila Congress and NSUI, contesting Ccandidates former Ministers, former MLAs and former MLCs.