Cong should stop its dual policy on Kashmir: Virender

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 15: State BJP spokesperson, Prof. Virender Gupta strongly criticized Congress leaders for their negative role in the present scenario when Pakistan, ISI and ISIS have intensified their activities to spread Islamic fundamentalism, sponsoring and supporting terrorism and frequently engaging in heavy firing on the borders.
In a statement issued here today he said that the leaders of Congress party are speaking in different voices: its Kashmiri leaders, including its State president criticises the State Government and the para-military forces for adopting aggressive approach against the stone pelters and terrorists and favours the separatists whereas those belonging to Jammu province condemn the State and the Government at the Centre for their soft policy towards stone pelters and terrorists and recommend decisive and strong policy in curbing the terrorism and the separatists forces. The Kashmir based Congress leaders including its State president and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad advocate for holding talks with Pakistan and the separatists whereas, the Jammu based Congress leader including Sham Lal Sharma, Ravinder Sharma, Jahangir Mir, Shabir Ahmed Khan, Mohd. Akram and Sain Abdul Rashid, in a statement have said that Government of India must feel the mood of the nation and counter the enemy with befitting reprisal and emphasise for giving free hand to the Indian Army to deal with internal and external threats.
Prof. Gupta while condemning the statements of the Congress leaders further added that as per J&K Pradesh Congress president G.M. Mir asking for revocation of AFSPA, withdrawal of troops, questioned the Jammu based Congress leaders that how do they reconcile themselves with the statement of their Pradesh president?
The Spokesperson further added that instead of blaming Government of India for having no policy towards Pakistan in curbing terrorism and separatist activities in the Valley, the Congress party both at the Centre and State level itself should evolve consensus on its Kashmir policy. He held Congress party responsible for the present situation in the Valley due to its policy of appeasing Kashmiri leaders, pursuing policy of convenience at the cost of national interests and at the cost of the interests of people of Jammu and Ladakh regions and other nationalist elements of Jammu and Kashmir State.