NAGERCOIL: While promising to make Tamil Nadu the manufacturing hub to compete with China, Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said a Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) Scheme would be introduced for the citizens if his party was voted to power in the ensuing Lok Sabha polls.
Addressing an election meeting here, he said the Congress was coming out with a concept of GMI scheme for Indian citizens.
Explaining about it, he said under the scheme, the Union Government would decide a minimum income level and would declare that this was the minimum income of any Indian.
”After that anybody who is below the minim income line, they will be given money directly to their bank account to ensure that their income reach the minimum income limit”, Rahul said
He said ”we will guarantee that not a single person in this country, irrespective of any state or caste or creed, will be left out in the minimum income scheme”.
Stating that acute joblessness and unemployment has forced thousands and thousands and millions of Indian youngsters looking for jobs, he said the Modi led Government gave demonetisation and a flawed GST and destroyed the employment sector. (AGENCIES)