Congress’ concern over disturbing situation in Valley due to rains

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 30: J&K Pradesh Congress Committee expressed concern over the alarming and disturbing situation in Kashmir Valley occurred due to the incessant rains.
In a statement, GA Mir, President, JKPCC while expressing his serious concern, said that so many people have been rendered homeless and almost hundred percent crops have been damaged in South Kashmir and elsewhere in Valley.
Mir said that Government must not forget the previous devastating flood and the situation must not be allowed to go out of control.
He added that people in Valley and Jammu have suffered much due to September floods and impressed upon the Government to take measure on war footing basis and save the property and precious lives.
He further impressed upon the Government to make assessment of loss to crops and houses caused due to incessant rains and floods by a team of experts and provide full compensation to affected people, without loss of time.
Mir assured the people that Congress Party will always work for the betterment and welfare of the people and is committed to fight for their development, safety and prosperity.