Congress decline

This has reference to the article ‘Congress down the hill’ DE Nov 3.
There  is no doubt that the Congress party is passing through a bad phase during these days. The party can bounce back to power, if it makes a sincere assessment of its weak and strong points. The Party should prop strong regional leaders, and show door to sychophants.
It  should also strengthen its cadre network, and propagate its policy effectively through length and breadth of the country.
However, one does not agree with the writer of the article that it should hijack BJP’s pro Hindu Stand. The author needs to be reminded the BJP election strategy revolved around development of the country and employment to youth.
The BJP realised that Ram Temple or abolition of Art 370 is not going to bring it power, that is why  the party did not attack much importance during elections.
Yours etc…
Nikhil Jamwal