Congress march

Apropos Congress march to Prez (DE Nov 4).  After her delegation’s meeting with the President, Congress President Sonia Gandhi speaking to the media  said that what was happening in the country was a matter of deep concern to every Indian and “the President has already made clear his views on them.” Endorsing Congress President’s statement , Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi said “,,,, the President and RBI Governor have conveyed their concerns”.
The President Shri Pranab Mukherjee has been a life-long Congressman and party’s  senior, popular and powerful leader. He  became President of India as he had emerged a consensus candidate with massive support from  Congress MPs and MLAs . As President of India, he has to be above party politics. Since the Congress President and the Vice President both have said that the President is “concerned” on what they have presented to him, it is time that the President takes the nation into confidence on what his “concerns” are  and on his impartial  handling of Congress complaint. As far  RBI Governor’s statement, he is the beneficiary of Congress’ largess.
Yours etc….
K.N. Pandita
Talab Tiloo