Congress protests for appropriate electricity supply, employment

Congress workers and leaders marching towards MA Road Srinagar during protest. -Excelsior/Shakeel
Congress workers and leaders marching towards MA Road Srinagar during protest. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 23: Srinagar District Congress Committee (DCC) today held a strong protest against the LG Administration for failing to maintain appropriate supply of electricity, rising unemployment and various other local issues confronting the public and demanded that the Govt must come clean on pressing issues and take effective measures to address these without any further delay.
DCC Srinagar had planned to hold a peaceful march from party Headquarter to Dalgate, but the march was foiled by the heavy contingent of police.
Leaders and members of Srinagar District Congress, JKPCC Functionaries and members of frontal organizations assembled at Congress Headquarter at MA Road Srinagar and held strong protest against and poor supply and unscheduled power curtailment, rising unemployment and various other issues and demanded that supply of electricity must be maintained according to the winter requirements.
The participants also expressed serious concern over the hardships confronting the public during these bone chilling days of winter while raising slogans against Govt failure to ensure required electricity to the public.
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The participants displayed placards exhibiting the Congress Party’s serious concern about the pressing public issues, particularly irregular electricity, inflation, extreme unemployment and various other local issues while demanding that Govt must come clean on these, at right earnest rather than making promises and assurance to silence the public. The speakers blamed the Govt for failing to address public concern despite the assurance and promises.
Congress workers and leaders in hundreds started marching towards the MA Road Srinagar, but the heavy contingent of police pushed them back and closed the main gate of Party Headquarter.