Consider under process PRCs

In Jammu and Kashmir state  PRC is obligatory for all those who intend to sell or purchase property, who seek admission in the educational institutions and those who intend to seek employment in the state. Like other parts of the state, a good number of the aspirants from Basohli sub division have applied to BOPE for JKCET. It is unfortunate that majority of the applicants do not possess their PRCs except the one PRC (under process). Having applied for the grant of the PRC, months before, the applicants have not received the same till date.  Due to the low priority of the officers to the PRC the number of cases get accumulated and add to pendency with the result the aspirants, for higher education and employment, have to suffer for their no fault. Due to the frequent transfers of the SDMs of Basohli, delay in their joining, the new place of posting and non-delegation of powers for issuing PRCs result in to accumulation and non- disposal of the PRC cases. The parents of the aspirants, whose career is at stake, request the BOPE authorities to help allow the candidates in JKCET on the production of PRC under process till they report forcounseling finally. The new SDM Basohli may very kindly be delegated the powers for PRC so that speedy disposal of such important cases can be ensured exclusively in the interest of the young aspirants of the sub division Basohli.
Yours etc…..
Shiv Kumar Padha