Conspiracy being hatched against NC, State: Farooq

NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah speaking at party headquarters in Srinagar on Sunday. —Excelsior/Shakeel
NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah speaking at party headquarters in Srinagar on Sunday. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Bandh joins NC, Ratanpuri quits

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, July 21: National Conference (NC) president and former Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah today asked the party workers to be united against the conspiracy that is being hatched against his party and the State.
Speaking at a function at party headquarters here today, Dr Abdullah said that a conspiracy is being hatched against the party and the State and asked the workers to be vigilant and united.
“Those who sacrificed their lives for the party, we don’t know even their names. They were killed with bullets and are even being killed today. Who kills them, Allah knows but there is a conspiracy against you. If you have to save yourselves and the State from these conspiracies, you have to be together”, he said. Click here to watch video
The NC president asked the people to save the State. He asked his workers that for that they have to create love for their party in their hearts. “There is an enemy who will work against you but you should not be afraid of him”, he said.
Farooq called for unity when forces are trying to create divide at the time when there is threat to identity. “Today the very existence of our identity is facing onslaught from all sides. The State is heading towards a crucial trial. The forces as are inimical to our identity and special Constitutional position are trying and will speed up their efforts to divide us. The powers that be will leave no stone unturned to obliterate our identity. Our enemies want us divided, our unity threatens them, and it frustrates their machinations. However, if at this juncture we don’t strike unity then the coming generation will never forgive us. At the moment the very identity of our State that is at stake”, he said.
The NC president said that youth of the State have to come forward to respond to the challenges the State is facing. “There are forces who are contriving to change the demography of our State. It is imperative for the youth to come forward and respond to the challenges, our ill-fated state is facing. The transition from old to young is necessary; we have a sprawling population of youth, the need of the hour is too tap its potential,” he said.
Abdullah asked his party workers to be careful about the conspiracies hatched by the enemies of the State. “Who voted in Keran? Army voted there and pressed the button. Be careful especially in far flung areas. We should not be afraid of their guns. You should remember, the guns of God are faster than their guns.. The flood that is coming will wash them away but you have to be careful”, he said.
The NC president lashed out at the BJP led Government for muzzling the press freedom. “The media is also under pressure. They are being asked what to write and what to do. What to say. They are being asked if you work truthfully we won’t give you advertisements. This is the scene of media across India. Today Vice President of India is saying that media should be free. I ask him that he should tell this to his party which is curbing the media”, he said.
Meanwhile, former People’s Democratic Party (PDP) founder member and former Minister in previous PDP-BJP coalition Government Mohammad Khalil Bandh today joined National Conference (NC) in Srinagar.
He joined the NC at Party Headquarters at a function in which Abdullah was also present. He had resigned from the PDP early this week.
Speaking to reporters on the occasion, Bandh said he feels that NC has an agenda that can pull the State out of quagmire it is caught in. “I joined NC along with my workers. I feel that the NC is the only party which has an agenda to pull the State from the quagmire it is trapped in. It is why I joined NC. I quit the PDP as I thought it is not working on the agenda on the basis of which it was formed”, he said.
As Bandh joined the NC, its leader from Pulwama, G N Ratanpuri, the former Rajya Sabha member, resigned from the party.
He had submitted a letter to NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah but made it pubic today soon after Bandh who hails from the same area joined the party.
“This is to tender my resignation from Central Working Committee, primary membership and any other position that I may be holding in the J&K National Conference”, he said in the letter.
“Please ask the vice president, general secretary and the two provincial presidents of Kashmir and Jammu to let my exit be as quiet and dignified as my entry was”, the letter read.
“I hope they will forget all the heated arguments and altercations I had with them all through the past 10 years regularly. I realised that the only way to stop this bitterness was to quit. I expect them too to realise that nothing was and nothing is personal.”