Consultative meeting of three Central Universities held

Excelsior Correspondent

Members of Consultative Committee of 3 Central Universities alongwith the head, Prof Ashok Aima, VC CUJ at Jammu.
Members of Consultative Committee of 3 Central Universities alongwith the head, Prof Ashok Aima, VC CUJ at Jammu.

JAMMU, Oct 30: For the successful implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Central University of Jammu (CUJ), Central University of Kashmir (CUK) and Central University of Himachal Pradesh (CUHP), which was signed in the month of May this year, a joint consultative meeting was held today.
The meeting, chaired by Prof Ashok Aima, Vice Chancellor, CUJ and attended by the officials of Department of Human Resource Management & OB, Department of Educational Studies, Department of English, Department of Tourism & Travel Management officials of these Universities, discussed operationalization of the MoU regarding various issues.
It was resolved and recommended in the meeting for the horizontal & vertical mobility of students/faculty/staff among the three universities, HR development and setting up of Joint HRD centre among three Universities for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff, Joint supervision for Research Degree Programmes (RDP) among the Universities, Conducting joint entrance tests for admission to the courses on the basis of a consortium of three Universities, Adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) as per UGC Guidelines, Working on Joint projects and publications among the Universities, Developing E-Content, E-resources jointly, Conducting joint video-conferencing once in a month, Joint organisation of seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures etc among the various disciplines, Exchange of Faculty/Research Scholars on regular basis, Innovation and skill development centres to be established jointly in all the three Universities, Developing Common Curriculum which is workable as well as viable, Earmarking upon establishing a common fund for Research, Development and Consultancy Operations in three Universities.
Prof Ashok Aima impressed upon the members that there was a need to work for convergence among the institutions to provide maximum benefits to the students and to ensure their elevation on educational front. The Universities shall strive for uniqueness and think beyond the degree syndrome. The Universities shall work towards capacity and confidence building of students. The Vice Chancellor suggested that to begin with under mentioned areas of mutual co-operation shall pave the way for implementation of MoU in letter and spirit.