Continuous siege of Jamia Masjid tragic: Sagar

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 20: National Conference General Secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar today castigated PDP-BJP Government for barring Friday prayers in the historic Jamia Masjid Srinagar for four consecutive weeks.
In a statement issued from party headquarters, the NC General Secretary said, “Stopping people from praying at Jamia Masjid has been the only ‘achievement’ of this Government so far. Last year they broke all records by putting the historic Masjid under continuous lockdown for 40 Fridays consecutively. Unfortunately the same practice is still going on.”
NC General Secretary said that the restrictions being imposed in downtown with each passing day and barring people from offering Friday prayers is a glaring example of the failures of this Government. “Needless to say such actions create hostility and restlessness among the people and will inevitably lead to a situation where people of Shahr e Khaas would feel cornered and targeted,” he said.
Meanwhile NC Provincial President Nasir Aslam Wani said that the State Government has failed to normalize the current deteriorating situation in Kashmir. While addressing one day convention of block Amira Kadal delegates at Nawa-e-Subah, the Provincial President said, “Continuous spree of braid chopping incidents happening across Kashmir is a clear reminder of how bad the situation is and how miserably this Government is handling such incidents. Rather than coming up with preventive measures the administration is giving out a confusing signals.”
Asking people to remain vigilant Nasir said, “This Government has failed on all fronts. Whether it is development or providing security to the people, Mehbooba Mufti and her coterie believes in only giving rhetorical statements. They are more concerned in saving their chairs rather than alleviating the miseries and fears of people.”
The convention was also addressed by provincial vice president Mohammad Syed Akhoon, Minority wing Incharge Sardar Jagdish Singh Azad, YNC District President Khalid Rather and others.