Contractual lecturers demand regularization policy

Contractual lecturers protesting in Srinagar on Friday. -Excelsior/Shakeel
Contractual lecturers protesting in Srinagar on Friday. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Nov 29: All Jammu and Kashmir Contractual College Lecturers Association today protested against the Government for its failure to draft a regularization policy for them.
Scores of lecturers assembled at the Press Enclave here and demanded regularization of their services. They were holding placards reading: “We want job policy”, “Justice delayed is justice denied”, “stop further exploiting” and raised slogans in favor of their demands.

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The teachers said they are pinning hopes on the Lt Governor administration as successive Governments let them down. “Whatever was promised to us turned out to be fake. We have high hopes on the LG’s administration,” a protestor said.
Another protestor said they were promised a job policy and nearly 1300 posts were created for them last year, but no one was provided the job. “We were left helpless. These insecurity jobs have taken toll on our family lives,” he said.
To worsen things for them, the teachers are without salaries for the last four months which has affected nearly two thousand families. “We are unable to buy essentials. What will our families eat?” a protestor asked. He added: “If Government wants to save youth they should take the matter seriously. It is not the protest of ordinary people, some of us are holding doctorate and post doctorate degrees.”
The protestors threaten to intensify protests if their demands are not fulfilled. “We will hit roads along with our families, if Government fails to deliver this time,” they said.