Control price hike, make PDS effective: NMC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 23: President of the National  Mazdoor Conference (NMC) Subash Shastri  has appealed to the Prime Minister to immediately convene a conclave of all Chief Ministers and State Food Minister in the capital to deliberate upon the issue of rising prices and supply distribution chain.
Addressing  a successive meeting of NMC activists  at village Bamyal in Nagrota  block, Shastri stressed upon the fact that inflation  of essential commodities has rendered the life of common man vulnerable  particularly employees, pensioners, daily rated workers adding that these classes  are also finding difficult to make both ends meet.
“It is  strange that while legislatures, parliamentarians of the country are themselves on board and in a hurry to raise their salaries, the same hike denied to these middle class who is finding it  extremely  difficult  to manage  his house hold  and children’s education as their incomes are stagnant over the long period  of time” Shastri added.
He  further said that on one hand both Central/ State Governments claim  that it has infinite stocks of food grains and pulses in their stores, but the very structure  of public distribution system is proving faulty. Top leaderships of the NDA during election campaign had kindled hope that things would change for the better, but  they too,  seem  to have been faulted by the system.
A  resolution was also passed wherein it was enjoined upon the Central Government  to immediately  make available the 7th Pay Commission reckoner  for the offices to draw salaries of Central Government staff as per revised pay structure. Release of pending wages of daily rated workers of Irrigation and Flood Control Deptt, release of another installment of DA due from July 1, 2016 in favour of Centre and State Govt employees and pensioner’s beside enhancing the monthly salary of daily rated workers to Rs 10, 000 per month were other demands highlighted in the meeting.