Coping with demands…..

Sanah Mahajan

Life demands attention,
Family demands love,
Friends demand affection,
Society demands discipline,
Career demands dedication,
Body demands care,
And you demand satisfaction, prosperity, peace, comfort, benevolence and this list is endless…
We people have indulged ourselves into this non- self adjusting world. It’s a place where everything demands one thing or the other. It’s a cruel truth that we sometimes are unable to adjust to it and feel worsened but believe me when I say experiences teach us a great deal of lessons. Our life goes on at reasonable pace until we start to demand more and more. I also have demands; everyone has but what is important, is to realize our limitations and our resources. Management here helps us make a great deal with life. When we start to analyze stuff and the belief in ourselves deepens; we create histories and miracles. This much of effort, glorifies our path and enlightens our soul. But the question stands how do we do this stuff? … The first step is to manage.
The need of management is because of the following factors:
* It helps us in realizing the available resources and there limitation. Here especially there is a need to mention the prioritized resources- time, energy and money.
* Management is planned before hand; there emphasis is laid on attaining goal.
* It helps in determining long and short term goals.
* It helps us in realizing the goals and arranging them systemically according to their importance.
* It helps us in taking judicious decisions which result in attaining the goals by spending minimum time, energy and money.
* It helps us realize the values of life.
* Attainment of goals through efficient management gives sufficient mental satisfaction.
* Efficient management help to have a smooth sail and mismanagement is a hindrance in the path of progress.
* It gives us a broader vision and open-mindedness to see the drawbacks in our plans and certainly help to way to rectify our mistakes and shortcomings.
* It makes us realize the importance of resources as well because we the human species  regard ourselves the most advanced ones and consider ourselves equivalent to God; so according to us the resources we have our are soul property and no other creature have access over them and being powerful enough we disregard and disrespect everything around us.
These are not only 10 points but these make a single effort, a key probably, to the steps of success and the lock of that door.
The next step and the most important one is to measure our resources.
Resources are of two types mainly:
* Human resources.
* Non-human or material resources
Human resources:
* KNOWLEDGE- knowledge is a valuable resource. Knowledge is important for doing any particular job. It is an endless journey of always trying to attain perfection and skill.
* ENERGY- our bodies have a store house of energy in the form of potential energy. Until and unless we do not access it; it will never convert into kinetic energy and will never bear you the fruit of your talents either hidden or explored ones.
* TIME- this is the only resources which cannot be recovered once lost and on the other hand it is the only resource which is distributed equally among every person on this earth.
* INTERESTS- interests are generally not considered as resources but this single word creates the difference between every profession to the other one. They considerably motivate us to perform and help us in achieving goals easily and quickly. Remember the fact that goals cannot be accomplished even with time, money, capability, knowledge etc. if there is not interest.
* SKILLS AND ABILITIES- abilities are the EMF of our life. These are the resources that shape our destiny. Our interests are induced into something because of our skills, abilities, talents, capabilities whatever we want to call them.
* ATTITUDES- positive attitude helps us in attaining our goals whereas negative attitudes are hindrances in it. Being optimistic over pessimistic, enlightened over ignorant, braver over cowardice, extrovert over introvert and amiable over rude accounts not only to achieving goals but also leads to overall development and growth of a person at whole.
* APTITUDE- these are the feelings that encourage or discourage a person to perform a job.
Non-human resources
* MONEY- money is a material resource. It is generally needed to meet our requirements within the available resource. This exercise gives us the most important lesson of life that we should try and manage our resources wisely. Not every time the ball in our court that is not every circumstance will be in our favor.
Be wise about your resources and be prepared for the little extra effort you will have to put in, in your journey to success. Believe me, it becomes quite easy when you know how to manage things and have access to your resources when needed.
For the extra moral support rely on your parents and those people who make you feel complete, comfortable, and happy and are always ready to challenge you especially those who try to channelize your potential in its best way.
When in trouble rely on yourself more than others because God has created a key to every lock but did something very clever; he hid the key within us with the best intentions as he believed in self-realization, self-motivation and self-improvement because Maya Ongelou has quoted beautifully, “If you are always trying to be NORMAL, you will never know how AMAZING you can be.”