Coping with Exam stress

Dr Ritu Sharma
Stress of exams is a common phenomenon which is faced by students of all ages and gender. It is completely normal to feel anxiety and stress before and during exams because it will give you a push to work hard. But when this stress and anxiety become overwhelming, it can have negative and severe effects on mental wellbeing and performance of children. It becomes a matter of concern when that stress and anxiety hinders your normal way of dealing with the situations and at that time you need proper guidance, help and moral support.
As we have discussed above, a little bit of stress and anxiety is normal but there are many factors that contribute to these factors and students feel struck, they don’t know how to deal with such situations. So, here are some of the major reasons:
Lack of Preparation:
This is one of the most important causes of stress. Students generally get themselves engaged in other activities without realizing that time is running out of their hands. So, they feel that they have not prepared in a way that is required. This can also be due to lack of understanding of material, a lack of study time and more.
Performance pressure:
This is the second most important cause of stress in students. This performance pressure can be internal or external. Internal pressure of performance is build by students themselves; to prove themselves or to hold a place in class. External pressure is build by parents, relatives and society. High expectations from the wards can take a toll on their mental health and they can feel anxious and stress.
Fear of failure:
This is also one of the factors responsible for stress during exams even if you have prepared well. I remember myself getting totally blank in my head outside the examination hall. So, even if students have prepared well, still there is a fear of getting failed. What if they don’t remember a certain name or a topic and also what if the question paper is tricky?
Time constraints:
A tough time schedule in exams can also be the reason for being stressed. Many times, students are not able to attempt all questions asked because of time limit.
Feeling of competition:
It is also an internal factor responsible for stress and anxiety. It can be discussed in two ways. One sort of competition is with student himself because he wants to do better and also to secure his/her top spot. Other reason is to compete with rest of the class and to get that top position. In both ways, there are chances of being stressed, anxious and emotionally disturbed.
Keep a specific area to study.
Be it your study table, your bed or a mat with pillows. But be specific that, that area should be used only for studying only.
Plan the things ahead for long terms and set daily goals also. Prepare your to-do list and check it in the evening whether you have accomplished your goals or not.
Exercise time management:
Fix your time for each subject and try to complete your goals in that fixed time only.
Make time table:
It will help the students stay focused, organized and also help them to make the best use of time. It will also help the students to have a clear understanding of their weak subjects.
Eat healthy:
Eat home cooked food only particularly this time, drink a lot of water. Avoid unnecessary junk food at this time to avoid any health emergencies. Fresh home cooked food will help you to stay fit, healthy and focused.
Sleep is necessary to do well in all tests. As it improves memory recall and the ability to concentrate. To maximize the performance in exams, students should try to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep.
Music has a very important role in human life. Listening to music in the breaks during continuous hours of study will keep your mind relaxed; it gives you peace and also inspires to do better.
Meditation can help increase the oxygen flow into and out of the brain, which also increases blood flow. Meditation has immense benefits including increasing efficiency and the ability to channel workable energy.
Try doing yoga during exam time as it helps in improving concentration and will-power. Tiredness problem experienced during exams is replaced by freshness and improves ability to focus. Try doing Child’s Pose (Balasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana), Down Dog (Adho MukhSavasana),Extended Pose (Utthita Trikonasana), Corpse Pose (Savasana) etc.
Moral Support from parents:
It’s important for parents to understand that the child is already going through a tough time. So instead of pressurizing them, give moral support to your wards, sit with them, talk with them, and spend some quality time in between with them. This will boost not only their confidence but will help them to perform better not only in exams but also in life.
I hope this will help some of the students to go through the exams happily, confidently and peacefully. All the very best to each one of you. May you qualify your exam with flying colors.
(The author is Lecturer in Zoology School Education Department.)