At the outset, not attempting to step into the shoes of medical professionals and experts in respect of speaking anything authoritatively on the dreaded coronavirus known as Covid-19, but to share the advice and the assurance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there was no need to panic. As compared to not only from the country (China) where this virus was detected but for reasons extraneous to medical considerations and equally against the Doctors’ warning bells who found it out in patients and then spreading to other countries like Italy, Iran, Japan, South Korea etc, China initially took it lightly while the timely precautionary measures taken at the Union Ministry level, India is better placed with practically no death having taken place so far even though global mortality rate for the virus is 3.4% as per WHO data.. However, the fact is that cases have been detected in Delhi, Jaipur, Kerala, Agra, Noida and even Jammu and Kashmir.The epicentre of the outbreak of this virus China, is to be blamed in not containing, let alone controlling the virus as they wanted to control it stealthily lest their economic growth and exports got vastly affected. Consequently, it spread taking the form of a unique type of epidemic. More than 100000 persons are affected globally with 4000 fatalities, worst in China where, though belatedly but now effectively, sanitizing campaign goes on virtually on war footing.
If latest figures are any indication, 34 confirmed cases have been reported in the country topping which are as many as of 16 Italian nationals alone. The credit goes to the initiatives of the Central Government and our daring members of medical fraternity as also the crew of the AirIndia as being among the first ones in the world in braving landing in the hotspot of the killer virus Wuhan in China and retrieving and airlifting all Indian nationals from there. Leakages here and there cannot absolutely be fully plugged which speaks for arrival by chance, the virus through passengers having travelling history of Italy, Dubai etc. The most advanced country in the world, United States of America has 130 confirmed cases with 31 alone in Washington State where nine deaths have taken place. We need to adopt more restrictions and take adequate precautions to prevent any spread although it is also proven that its spread is not that much ‘efficiently’ alarming.
However, whatever the reasons and the causes, we have to face the situation and that too collectively and not putting all responsibility on the Government and the Doctors. In that, personal protection and taking sufficiently adequate precautions are individual domains about which awareness campaign is already going on although much needs to be done especially when current weather conditions especially in Jammu and Kashmir including other parts of North India on the one hand give a pleasant feel of cool spring worth to be enjoyed to its fill, on the other it indicates slight postponement of hot summer which is the natural antidote of this killer virus as it is learnt to be not heat resistant.
Apart from ancillary issues and the technicalities of this virus, what we need to focus on, particularly in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is making our hospitals laced enough with all arrangements to tackle with an emergency. Separate isolated wards to quarantine the suspected carriers needed to be earmarked from out of the available space therein. More facilities for testing samples should be provided at Srinagar and Jammu instead of sending them to centres like Pune etc. Alternately, sending samples and obtaining reports should be fast enough so as to enable medical treatment depending upon the nature of testing results.
There are, however, some problems being encountered by the general public in Jammu in that hand sanitizers and masks have all of a sudden, sort of disappeared from the market outlets. Not that we lay blame squarely on some chemists and general merchants that hoarding and profiteering are resorted to which could be in isolated cases but whatever stocks, in the ordinary course were available stand exhausted while fresh arrivals are reportedly uncertain. Central Government has really taken commendable and timely action in respect of the Covid-19 virus but what more is needed is earmarking a separate fund for meeting collateral needs in taking on effectively this virus on preventive and safety measures and make available hand sanitizers, masks and disposable insulating wear for Doctors required to attend emergency and other cases related to the virus.
Though there is no need to nurse any fears or give room to rumours, still two cases of ‘high viral load’ category are reported in the J&K UT which necessitates to be more vigilant. However, resorting to time tested, measures to avoid direct contact, washing repeatedly at short intervals hands with soap and water, remaining at a metre’s distance from a coughing or sneezing neighbour on the street, public place or anywhere, avoiding refrigerated eatables, sipping some warm water at short intervals, avoiding touching floor, metals, surfaces, door knobs and if done then washing hands or sanitizing them immediately, exposure to sun, taking freshly cooked food etc are some important precautions very useful. Since it is the duty of one and all in making awareness more profound and known by all, we have done our duty, now it is yours too, please.