Corporator for development on modern lines

Poor drainage system, no garbage disposal place

Sanjeev K. Sharma

JAMMU: Like other parts of old Jammu city, Ward number-3, which includes Mast Garh, Peer Mitha, Peer Kho, Link Road and some part of Jain Bazaar, too faces the problems like poor drainage, no garbage disposal system, problems due to street dogs, poor street lights, poor lanes and drains, foot-paths and roads grabbed by shopkeepers etc.
As the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) elections were held after a gap of many years, these problems increased manifold thereby throwing the normal life out of gear.
Sunita Arora—a school teacher said, the busy roads in the Ward have been captured by the shopkeepers by placing their articles there to display and this badly affects the public as well as traffic movement on such roads and some accident may take place anytime due to this.
“The Ward has no place for garbage disposal and the people are forced to throw their garbage in drains or at any place which with time becomes a dumping point and badly affects the lives of its nearby residents,” these were the views of Menu—a housewife.
Many other people of the Ward had complaints regarding poor cleanliness, sanitation problems, parking problem, traffic problem etc.
Rajesh—a college student said, there is no parking facility in the Ward and one has to park vehicles in some deserted lane and after returning, sometimes, the vehicles are seen damaged or something from them stolen.
Anyway, the people of this Ward now know that after the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) elections, Narotam Sharma has become their Corporator and these people now expect a lot from him.
In an interaction with EXCELSIOR, Narotam talked about problems of his Ward and how he will be going to solve them.
The Corporator said that soon he will be going to get the lanes and drains in the Ward repaired as the rats have destroyed the drains by digging-out the mud.
He also said that the streets are repeatedly broken by certain agencies for either carrying out some repair works under the ground or for installing some pipes or wires there.
“I have promises with my people to get the lanes and drains repaired within two months and soon my Ward will have pits-free lanes,” he maintained.
He also talked about ensuring cleanliness and sanitation in the Ward.
On the menace of drug addiction he said that it is a big problem and he was planning to consult de-addiction centres for help in curing the affected youth.
“Addiction is destroying youth. Parents should also take care of their children so that they may not fall prey to this menace,” he further said appealing to the police department to act strictly against the kingpins of this crime no matter how much influential they are,” the Corporator said.
On use of poly-bags Narotam said that it is a big problem our State is facing.
“The poly bags blocks our drains and when swallowed by animals like cows, it damages their health,” he said adding that the very manufacture and import of these bags should be banned.
He also said that there is no playground in the Ward while there is only one public park near Peer Kho temple where one Skating Rink is there for sports activities.
“I am also planning to upgrade that Skating Rink so that sports activities may increase in the area,” he said.
On garbage disposal he said that there are traditional ways of garbage disposal in the Ward but its streamlining is under plan.
“We are working for Jammu Municipal Corporation autos to lift the garbage from the dumping spots in the Ward thrice a day,” the Corporator informed.
On more problems of the Ward he said that proper treatment to hanging wires is also under consideration.
On the problem of stray dogs he said that the solution in this direction will soon be found which will also not be objected by the animal activists and law as experts are being consulted.
On poor street lights he said that the JMC Commissioner has assured to give us 15 such lights in starting and remaining streets will be given afterwards.
“As per the availability of funds everything will be done in the Ward,” the Corporator said.
Narotam said that he has good relations with other Corporators and his being a new in this field will in no way be a problem as there are his party seniors to guide him.
“Friends outside the State are too helping me after studying the developments there so that every development on the pattern of big cities should also come here too,” he said.
Narotam Sharma won the ULB election with a margin of 245 votes after defeating Independent candidate Rajesh Gupta who was voted 747 votes against 992 votes polled to Narotam.
He also said that his election expenditure was Rs 1.40 lakh and he had promised his voters a modern Ward with pit-free lanes and with proper drainage system and proper cleanliness.
Narotam Sharma is an Education Consultant while his wife Shivani Sharma is a housewife and they lives in a joint family.
At the end he appealed public to cooperate him for making the Ward a modern one.