Corruption free India

For a long time corruption has been flourishing rapidly in our country. Now it has spread its tentacles in every sphere of life. Not to speak of common public even noted politicians, Government officials, and every dignitary, without exception, are involved in such a heinous crime . Anti corruption department also siphons off money from the  corrupt persons and let them go scot free after minor punishment . Corruption is equivalent to mass-murder, defrauds people’s fundamental rights, affects the growth  and economy of our country, therefore there  should be a strict punishment for those who are found guilty of embezzlement. They should be boycotted by our society or jailed  for good or should be rewarded death penalty. It is the only ultimate solution to eradicate  corruption from the roots. It will also prevent others from corruption and we can see corruption free India
Yours etc…..
MD Shahrukh Nadwi
Shaheen Nagar