Corruption in J&K

The article titled” Eradicating Corruption: Transparency and Accountibility…. DE Oct 29, 2018. Corruption is so deep-rooted and well established that no Government can uproot it. What to talk of eradication or uprooting,it can never be even checked or minimised by simply celebrating the “Vigilance Awareness Weeks “. These are simple ceremonies leading to wastage of time and money and also adding to corruption
There are many shapes, forms and levels of corruption. It ranges from simple palm greasing to big scams involving misappropriation of crores of rupees by the public servants and politicians. As you climb up the administrative ladder, the level of corruption goes up. The Civil Secretariat seems to be the biggest den of corruption followed by the directorates and collectorates. Besides, the nature and level of corruption varies from department to department. In some departments like rural development, public works and other allied departments the concept of corruption has been named as” Commission “as if it was something legal.
For ensuring transparency and accountability in the administration, we have the provision of RTI Act which seems to be toothless to serve any purpose. I have come across many people who have been forced to pay thousands of rupees for seeking information under RTI Act, but have totally failed to take any action in the matter for want of knowledge and awareness.
I would like to suggest that the Anti Corruption or Vigilance Weeks should be organised at least thrice in the year by involving volunteers of civil society at grass root level and the whistle blowers should be respected and protected. The village Panchayats should also be made the centre of Vigilance Awareness Weeks
O P Sharma
Bagnoti Nowshera