Corruption like cancer, surgical strike necessary: Javadekar

Corruption like cancer, surgical strike necessary: Javadekar
Corruption like cancer, surgical strike necessary: Javadekar

PALDEV (MP): Noting that people are bound to face some initial problems after demonetisation, Union minister Prakash Javadekar today said corruption had taken a “cancerous” form and the Government was trying to cure “a 50-year-old malaise in 50 days”.

He equated the demonetisation to the surgical strike against terror launch pads in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, saying black money was being used increasingly to fund terrorist and Maoists activities in the country.

The Human Resources Development Minister also hit out at the Opposition, saying they were “stalling” Parliament as they had “no issues” to discuss at all.

“A few years after Independence, the country was running fine, but then the malaise of corruption started. And, in the last several decades, it has spread like a cancer. And, where were the corrupt people hiding their black money, in notes of (denomination) Rs 500 and Rs 1000.

“The Government carried out a surgical strike across the border (on terror launch pads), and another strike on this side of the border,” Javadekar said.

He was addressing a gathering of students, faculty and others during a function held at the Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Grameen Vishvavidyalay. The minister adopted Paldev under the Centre’s Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana in 2014. (AGENCIES)