Council adjourned for lack of quorum

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 9:  The Upper House of the J&K Legislature, was today adjourned by the Chairman, Anayat Ali due to lack of quorum when discussion on Governor’s address was going on in the House.
Interestingly, the members of  the `House of Elders’ , who  earlier, invited the attention of the Chairman towards the Govt attitude for not taking this House proceedings seriously and sought directions  from the  `Chair’ in this regard, were themselves found  `non-serious’  on the proceedings going on in the House. Without caring for the on going business in the House,  most of them left the House and preferred to have chatting in the nearby hall.
Congress member Sham Lal Bhagat was participating in the discussion on Governor’s address. It was 1.31 pm and quorum was at its lowest ebb of 11,  excluding the chairman.  When he concluded his speech, PDP member Vikramaditya stood up and started his speech. But four more members left the House without caring for the quorum or the discussion in the House.  Upon this the chairman, asked the PDP member to stop and he adjourned the House at 1.33 pm.
On earlier occasion, when the `Question Hour’ was over, all the chairs in the official gallery were found empty.  Earlier, Chief secretary and even DGP were also found sitting in the gallery besides several senior Govt officers.   The opposition members pointed out that all the chairs in the official gallery were empty and this House is not being taken seriously by the Govt.  The only Agriculture Minister Ghulam Nabi Hanjoora sitting there, pointed out that he was representing Govt in the House. Some members also raised security related issue and said that  despite assurance in the security review meeting ,  the members were not provided adequate security and wireless  operators.
The Chairman intervened  and directed the Govt to take the Upper House  seriously and also resolve the issue of  security of the members. The only Minister Ghulam Nabi Hanjoora present in the House assured to the members and the Chairman to look into the matter and issue instructions to the officers.