Counter-terror, defence to be on Modi-Hollande talks table

Counter-terror, defence to be on Modi-Hollande talks table
Counter-terror, defence to be on Modi-Hollande talks table

NEW DELHI: India and France are expected to take forward their “special and strategic” ties covering key areas of defence and security during the visit of French President Francois Hollande, who will be the Chief Guest at the Republic Day celebrations next week.

Hollande will be arriving in Chandigarh on January 24 where he is expected to be received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two will hold extensive talks here a day after during which ways to strengthen counter-terror cooperation in the aftermath of Paris and Pathankot terror strikes will figure prominently.

Both sides are also working hard to get the multi-billion Rafale fighter jets deal inked during the visit.

Hollande will be the fifth French leader to be a Chief Guest at India’s Republic Day celebrations — the maximum number from any country so far. Earlier leaders from that country had presided in 1976, 1980, 1998 and 2008. Significantly, for the first time, French soldiers will march down the Rajpath on Republic Day along with Indian troops, a first for any foreign army. (AGENCIES)