Country fighting decisive battle against Modi Govt: Farooq

NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah at an election rally at Rajbagh, Srinagar on Sunday.-Excelsior/Shakeel
NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah at an election rally at Rajbagh, Srinagar on Sunday.-Excelsior/Shakeel

Defeat forces that threaten Spl status: Omar

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Apr 7: National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah today said that country is fighting a decisive battle against an “inhuman” Modi led Government.
Addressing separate election campaign rallies at Bota Kadal and Rajbagh localities of Zadibal and Amira Kadal segments in Srinagar, Abdullah said that the forthcoming elections are very crucial as it will be a straight fight between the people of India and the Modi government.

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“It is the people of India be it the farmers, the unemployed youth, artisans or the minorities, everyone has been at the receiving end due to the “imprudent and ill-conceived policies” of Modi Government. Every vital sector of the nation is in shambles. People across the country are beseeching for respite from this BJP Government. Whatever PM Modi had promised to people during his 2014 election campaign, turned out to be a damp squib, even now when his Government is nearing an end, he has nothing to say on the achievements of his Government”, he said.
“The country is reeling under highest ever petrol prices, farmers are distressed in most parts of the country. The claims of Modi on providing jobs turned out to be a mere slogan”, the NC president said.
Dr Abdullah said that the development scenario in the State also presents a grim picture. “Situation is no different in our State; the city of Srinagar has suffered immensely at the hands of former BJP-PDP coalition. The roads, arterial are presenting a grimy tale of neglect; the past four years have seen no development in tourism sector. The unemployment is at its highest. The artisans have been left to fend for themselves”, he said.
He said that the idea of India is facing threat from the communal forces, who were responsible for assassinating Mahatma Gandhi.
“When a constitutional head of the State openly asked for boycott of our economy, Modi kept mum. He didn’t utter a single word leave alone condemning it. Is this how they want to treat J&K? I want to remind them that its Almighty which will provide us sustenance and Insha Allah He will not fail us,” Abdullah said.
NC president flayed PDP for surrendering fiscal autonomy of the State to Centre by implementing GST.
Earlier Abdullah led a protest rally defying the Government diktat of closing the national highway for civilian traffic demanding that the order should be revoked to ensure that people don’t have to suffer.
Party President while leading protest marches at Sanat Nagar and Athwajan Chowk, said:”We are not a colony therefore we are defying the diktat. The order should be immediately revoked to ensure that the public don’t have to undergo any inconvenience. The train affords a better option for the transit of military movement. They can carry out the movement of military convoy during nights.”
“If the order is not revoked we will increase the intensity of our protests. Issuing such orders does not augur well for a democratic setup. We condemn it unequivocally and seek its immediate revocation”, Abdullah said.
National Conference vice president and former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said that people should defeat the forces that are hell bent revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing a massive election campaign rally at Uri, Omar said that Jammu and Kashmir joined hands with the Union of India on certain conditions and assurances. “We are not like any other State of India. Today our State is facing onslaught on its special status from all sides. Forces as are inimical to the unity and integrity of our State are coming in different hues and some are holding lotus in their hands and some Apple. I caution you again about their nefarious designs. Their sole agenda is to obliterate the every spec of our special character”, he said.
The former Chief Minister said that the biggest problem that the State is facing is that of unemployment. He said that any stride on Article 35A will have far reaching consequences on the employment prospects of our youth.
“Today people from PC and PDP are coming to you for votes. But people of Uri are asking them as to where was their concern when people were fleeing Uri following border skirmishes. We have seen how Sajad flaunted brotherly relations with Modi. He has many a times said that Modi was his elder brother. Why didn’t he ask his elder brother to ensure safety of our traders and students across the country?” Omar asked.
The former Chief Minister said that during his stint as Chief Minister, he had mulled to give 5% reservation to Pahari Community. “However after PDP took over the reins of power the whole scheme was put into cold storage. Nevertheless, after Governor’s rule was imposed the Pahari community was given reservation; however the quota was reduced from 5% to 3%”, he said.
Omar while flaying PDP and PC for providing space to BJP in the State said that when he was the Chief Minister he resisted the implementation of NFSA (National Food Security Act). “However PDP-PC took no time to implement it. They also implemented GST,” he said.
“The PDP-BJP combine has aggravated the situation to the extent that the sole artery of ours, our national highway has been closed for civilian traffic. Where will the patients go who are being referred to Srinagar hospitals? What will the students do?” the NC leader asked.