Court directs IGP for drive against minor driving

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, July 4: A local Court here directed the Inspector  General of Police (Traffic) to hold special drive against the menace of driving  by minors, which the court said, is the main cause of road accidents.
The Special Mobile Magistrate (Traffic) while awarding three years sentence of imprisonment to a man for allowing his minor son to drive his vehicle also directed the IGP (traffic to hold special drive against such kind of driving.
The accused resident of Noorbagh area of Srinagar claimed to be the owner of vehicle driven by minor. The court imposed a fine of Rs 25, 000 on the accused and proposed to sentence  him three months simple imprisonment and Rs 1000 as fine under section 180 of MV Act.
The accused-minor has however been provided with the benefit of Probation of Offenders Act and released on the condition of keeping peace and good behavior.
Court said that since the offence does not involve any moral turpitude and the violator has not been previously convicted and  having regard to his age considered the case under Probation of Offenders Act.
The minor was  directed to execute a bond to the tune of Rs 2 lakh for keeping peace and good  behavior for the period of two years and in violation of any condition of bond during  the period of these two years the accused shall receive the proposed sentence.
“Coming back to the violation by a juvenile, underage driving is one of the major causes of traffic accidents and causes danger to other motorists  and pedestrians on the roads. Minors are often found driving bikes, Scooties,  Cars etc”, court said
Court further added that it is important to realize that Parents and guardians or owners of vehicles are responsible for providing vehicles to their minor children and many times these minors  are driving vehicle, riding bikes in and around schools or crowded places resulting accidents, loss of lives.
“It is the first and foremost duty of parents not to provide their minor children any vehicle unless they attain majority and have license to drive the vehicle. It is also the duty of Principals/Teachers not to allow the minor students to drive the vehicles and  impart education regarding these issues, as by allowing minor to drive we are only  producing violators and victims and not responsible citizens,” the court said.