COVID-19 & Health Clubs at Panchayats

For screening and identification of COVID suspects both symptomatic and non symptomatic as also those carrying mild infections, UT Government has come up with a promising proposal of setting up of Health Clubs in rural areas at Panchayat levels so that the spread of the deadly virus was contained effectively. This step has been taken keeping in view the spike in daily cases of infections across the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, the spread now having gone even up to rural areas which so far had very less cases of reported infections.
While these clubs must be made the best use of in checking the spreading of the virus by subjecting people to various tests and screening etc, the idea of overseeing the availability of masks, pulse oximeters, vital drugs etc by these clubs is a welcome step. Addressing various myths , apprehensions, misinformation as also the menace of fake news particularly on social media in respect of the virus, would go a long way in not only in allaying the fears and doubts of the people but creating a genuine awareness about the pandemic and how precautionary protocol was mandatory and essential to follow. Since nothing definite could be said about how long the virus was going to trouble the globe, the fact that we had to learn to live along with the threat while keeping safe by taking simple precautions, needed to be effectively conveyed.